Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Practical Nursing

  • PNV 1813 - Mental Health Concepts

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: PNV 1213 , PNV 1426 , PNV 1436 .) This course provides an introduction to mental health concepts. Clinical experience will provide application of learned theory. (2.7 hr lecture, 1 hr clinical)
  • PNV 1914 - Nursing Transition

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: All first and second semester PNV courses. This course must be completed in the graduating semester.) Nursing Transition promotes the development of clinical decision making skills and an interest in continued professional development. Legal aspects of nursing and employment opportunities and responsibilities as well as preparation for the licensure examination are included. (2 hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab, 3 hr. clinical)


  • PSY 1513 - General Psychology I

    3 SH
    An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.  This includes history and theories of psychology, research methods, biological bases of behavior, the principles of learning, personality and abnormal behavior. 
  • PSY 2553 - Psychology of Personal Adjustment

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: PSY 1513 ) A course to aid in developing an understanding of the causes and symptoms of emotional maladjustment. Emphasis is placed upon preparing the students to anticipate and deal with their own problems and to improve their understanding of the behavior of others.

Radio and Television Production and Broadcasting Technology

  • MDT 1214 - Broadcast Writing

    4 SH
    A course to teach the student the basic principles of broadcasting writing to include scripts for television and radio news, commercials, and programs. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 1244 - Principles of Mass Communication

    4 SH
    A course to introduce the student to the field of radio/television broadcasting. Emphasis is placed on the role of communication systems in our society. Discussion of job characteristics and opportunities will be emphasized. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MDT 1314 - Fundamentals of Television Production

    4 SH
    A course to introduce the student to the operation of a television studio. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MDT 1413 - Principles of Audio Production

    3 SH
    A course to teach the student the operations of audio taping as well as actual production. A discussion of the different types of equipment used in audio production will also be emphasized. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 1423 - Advanced Audio Production

    3 SH
    Continuation of Principles of Audio Production with further study in the development of and the use of equipment in audio production. Emphasis will be placed on actual projects. (1 hr lecture. ,4 hr lab)
  • MDT 2114 - Broadcasting Announcing

    4 SH
    A course to introduce the student to the basic principles of broadcast announcing. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 2213 - Station Administration

    3 SH
    The study of radio, television, and cable stations which includes: organization, operations, regulations, and duties/responsibilities of studio personnel. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MDT 2314 - Intermediate Television Production

    4 SH
    A course to teach the student the operations of a television control room. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 2334 - Advanced Television Production

    4 SH
    A course to teach the student to produce original television productions. Directions, production, layouts and organization will be stressed. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • MDT 2414 - Basic Editing

    4 SH
    The student‘s basic projects are emphasized and include basic principles, procedures, and techniques of TV and Radio editing. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 2434 - Advanced Editing

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: MDT 2414 ) A continuation of Basic Editing with emphasis placed on the development and use of the broadcasting industry editing standards. The student‘s projects are emphasized and include advance principles, procedures, and technique of TV and radio editing. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MDT 2513 - Basic Photography

    3 SH
    Use of photography as a communication medium. Principles of picture taking and darkroom techniques are emphasized. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MDT 2913 - Special Projects

    3 SH
    A course designed to provide the student with practical application of skills and knowledge gained in the courses. The instructor works closely with the student to insure that the selection of a project will enhance the student‘s learning experience. (6 hr lab)
  • MDT 2926 - Work Based Learning

    6 SH
    A course which is a cooperative program between industry and education. It is designed to integrate the student‘s technical studies with industrial experience. (18 externship)

Radiologic Technology

  • RGT 1114 - Clinical Education I

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: CPR-Health Care Provider) This course includes clinical practice and instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas included are patient care and management, radiation protection, operation of equipment, and radiologic procedures. (16 hr clinical)
  • RGT 1124 - Clinical Education II

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1114 ) This course includes clinical practice and instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas included are patient care and management, radiation protection, operation of equipment, and radiologic procedures. (16 hr clinical)
  • RGT 1135 - Clinical Education III

    5 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1124 ) This course includes clinical practice and instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas included are patient care and management, radiation protection, operation of equipment, and radiologic procedures. (20 hr clinical)
  • RGT 1212 - Fundamentals of Radiography

    2 SH
    This course is an introduction to Radiologic Technology including professional, departmental, and historical aspects. Included are terminology, medical ethics, and fundamental legal responsibilities. (2 hr lecture)
  • RGT 1222 - Patient Care and Radiography

    2 SH
    This course will provide the student with the basic concepts of patient care, including consideration for the physical and psychological needs of the patient and family. Routine and emergency patient care procedures will be described, as well as infection control procedures utilizing standard precautions. The role of the radiographer in patient education will be identified. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 1312 - Principles of Radiation Protection

    2 SH
    This course is designed to present an overview of the principles of radiation protection including the responsibilities of the radiographer for patients, personnel, and the public. Radiation health and safety requirements of federal and state regulatory agencies, accreditation agencies, and health care organizations are incorporated. (2 hr lecture)
  • RGT 1413 - Imaging Principles

    3 SH
    This course is a study of the principles involving manipulation of factors controlling and influencing exposure and radiographic quality. Included are the prime factors of radiographic exposure, beam limiting devices, filtration, production and control of scatter and secondary radiation, exposure systems, technical conversions, and problem solving. This course presents an introduction to film processing including darkroom design and equipment. Included are chemistry of developing solutions, procedures of general maintenance, quality control, and silver recovery methods. (2hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 1423 - Digital Imaging

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1413 ) This course is designed to impart an understanding of the components, principles and operation of digital imaging systems found in diagnostic radiology. Included are factors that impact image acquisition, display, archiving, and retrieval. In addition, principles of digital system quality assurance and maintenance are introduced along with guidelines for selecting exposure factors and evaluating images within a digital system to assist students to bridge between film-based and digital imaging systems. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 1513 - Radiographic Procedures I

    3 SH
    The course includes terminology, principles, and procedures involved in routine radiographic positioning for demonstration of the chest, abdomen, upper extremities and digestive system. Included is a review of radiographic anatomy on each procedure. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 1523 - Radiographic Procedures II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1513 ) The course includes principles and procedures involved in the radiographic positioning of the spinal column, urinary system, pelvic girdle, lower extremities, bony thorax, and mobile and trauma radiography procedures. Included is a review of radiographic anatomy on each procedure. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 1613 - Physics of Imaging Equipment

    3 SH
    This course is designed to establish a knowledge base in radiographic, fluoroscopic, mobile and tomographic equipment requirements and design. The content will also provide a basic knowledge of quality control. Computer applications in the radiologic sciences related to image capture, display, storage, and distribution are presented. (3 hr lecture)
  • RGT 2132 - Social and Legal Responsibilities

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1212 ) Legal terminology, concepts, and principles will be presented in this course. Topics include misconduct, malpractice, legal and professional standards, and the ASRT scope of practice. The importance of proper documentation and informed consent is emphasized. This course will prepare students to better understand their patient, the patient’s family, and professional peers through comparison of diverse populations based on their value systems, cultural and ethnic influences, communication styles, socio-economic influences, health risks, and life stages. (2 hr lecture)
  • RGT 2146 - Clinical Education IV

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1135 ) This course involves clinical practice and instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas included are patient care and management, radiation protection, operation of equipment, and radiologic procedures. (24 hr clinical)
  • RGT 2156 - Clinical Education V

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 2146 ) This course involves clinical practice and instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas included are patient care and management, radiation protection, operation of equipment, and radiologic procedures. (24 hr clinical)
  • RGT 2532 - Radiographic Procedures III

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1523 ) This course includes principles and procedures involved in radiographic positioning of the entire cranium, facial bones, and reproductive systems. Included is a review of radiographic anatomy on each procedure. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 2542 - Radiographic Procedures IV

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 2146 , RGT 2532 , RGT 2132 , RGT 2922 , CSC 1113 , Social/Behavioral Science) (Pre/Corequisites: RGT 2156 , RGT 2911 , RGT 2933  , SPT 1113 .) This course is a study of special radiographic procedures which utilizes sterile techniques and/or specialized equipment. It also includes basic concepts of pharmacology. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RGT 2911 - Radiation Biology

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1312 ) This course is a study of the biological effects of radiation upon living matter. It includes genetic and somatic effects. (1 hr lecture)
  • RGT 2922 - Radiographic Pathology

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RGT 1135 ) (Pre/Corequisites: RGT 2132 , RGT 2146 , RGT 2532 , CSC 1113 , Social/Behavioral Science.) This course is designed to introduce theories of disease causation and the pathophysiologic disorders that compromise healthy systems. Etiology, pathophysiologic responses, clinical manifestations, radiographic appearance, and management of alterations in body systems will be presented. (2 hr lecture)
  • RGT 2933 - Certification Fundamentals

    3 SH
    This course is designed to correlate scientific components of radiography to entry level knowledge required by the profession. (3 hr lecture)


  • REA 0113 - Reading Comprehension I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Reading Placement Level 1) This course is designed to help students develop basic reading skills of word attack and comprehension, to increase vocabulary, and to provide the student with tools for further development of vocabulary, reading, thinking, and study skills necessary for college success. Institutional credit only. (3 hr lecture)
  • REA 0123 - Reading Comprehension II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Reading Placement Level 2) This course is designed to help students increase knowledge of basic reading principles and skills necessary for college success. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary, comprehension, and clear thinking. Institutional credit only. (3 hr lecture)
  • REA 0133 - Reading Comprehension III

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Reading Placement Level 3) This course is designed to help students increase knowledge of basic reading principles and skills required for independent reading and college success. Emphasis is placed on the development of vocabulary, comprehension, and critical reading and thinking skills. Institutional credit only. (3 hr lecture)

Related Studes (Career)

  • RSV 0103 - Related Studies I

    3 SH
    This course is designed for career students who lack entry level skills in mathematics, English, science, etc., which are necessary for success in their chosen occupational program. Enrollment is required for all students who: 1) have scores on the ACT COMPASS test that are at or below scores required for Federal Ability to Benefit for financial aid. (See Ability to Benefit), 2) have not graduated from high school and need to achieve the GED high school equivalency diploma, or 3) require advanced related studies instruction for success in their occupational program. This course is waived and not required for all others. Generally, instruction is individually prescribed and learning is self-paced. Upon the achievement of the required competencies, students may exit the course immediately without further attendance. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RSV 0113 - Related Studies II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RSV 0103 ) This course is a continuation of Related Studies I. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RSV 1312 - Orientation

    2 SH
    This course is designed to help students adjust to college life. Course content includes personal, academic, and financial information to assist the student in succeeding in college. The course is designed to teach effective study habits, reading methods, use of the library, note taking, report writing, financial responsibility education, and gives the student guidance in collegiate life. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)

Related Studies (Technical)

  • ATE 1113 - Science and Technology

    3 SH
    A course designed to introduce science concepts and technology to Mississippi community/junior college students. A survey of modern science and technology applications with specific emphasis on problem solving and career opportunities. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • RST 1013 - Learning to Learn

    3 SH
    Learning to Learn: Critical Thinking Skills for a Quality Workforce is a national training program created by the American Society for Training and Development to help employees and future employees (students) at all levels and all ages to think more analytically, to learn more thoroughly and effectively and to be more productive. It teaches individuals how to incorporate the basic skills of successful learners into their own learning and thinking behavior. (3 hr lecture)
  • RST 1312 - Orientation

    2 SH
    This course is designed to help students adjust to college life. Course content includes personal, academic, and financial information to assist the student in succeeding in college. The course is designed to teach effective study habits, reading methods, use of the library, note taking, report writing, financial responsibility education, and gives the student guidance in collegiate life.
  • RST 1623 - Technical Mathematics I (Algebra)

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MAT 0123  or 1 unit of high school algebra or Instructor approval) Algebraic expressions and operations, dimensional analysis, linear equations, exponents and radicals, quadratic equations, identification and approximation of roots. Topics are taught using practical applications drawn from the various technical fields. (3 hr lecture)
  • RST 2113 - Internship Work Experience I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and Instructor approval) This course provides the opportunity for paid supervised work experience related to the chosen career field. In most cases, students must arrange for their own employment. (9 hr supervised work experience)
  • RST 2123 - Internship Work Experience II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RST 2113 ) This course is a continuation of Internship Work Experience I. (9 hr supervised work experience.)
  • RST 2213 - Independent Technical Studies I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and Instructor approval) This course provides the opportunity for independent study related to the chosen career field under limited supervision and guidance from an instructor. (6 hr lab)
  • RST 2223 - Independent Technical Studies II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RST 2213 ) This course is a continuation of Independent Technical Studies I. (6 hr lab)
  • RST 2313 - Technical Studies Seminar I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and Instructor approval) This course provides the opportunity for a wide range of technical topics to be pursued by instructors and students which may not otherwise appear in the existing curricula. (3 hr lecture)
  • RST 2323 - Technical Studies Seminar II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RST 2313 ) This course is a continuation of Technical Studies Seminar I. (3 hr lecture)
  • RST 2414 - Technical Physics I (Mechanics, Fluids, Heat & Sound)

    4 SH
    (Corequisites: RST 1623  or equivalent) Physical laws of mechanics, fluids, heat and sound with topics taught using practical applications drawn from the various technical fields. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RST 2424 - Technical Physics II (Light, Electricity & Magnetism)

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: RST 2414  or equivalent) Physical laws of light, electricity, magnetism and modern physics with topics taught using practical applications drawn from the various technical fields. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)

Residential Carpentry

  • CAV 1116 - Foundations

    6 SH
    This course includes site selection, site preparation, site layout, building forms, and construction of foundations. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • CAV 1123 - Forming Applications

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: CAV 1116 ) This course includes forming applications for foundations, flatwork, reinforcing concrete, patented forms, and tilt-up wall systems. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • CAV 1133 - Advanced Blueprint Reading

    3 SH
    This course includes the elements of residential plans and how to prepare a bill of materials from a set of plans. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • CAV 1216 - Framing I

    6 SH
    This course is designed to give the student experience in floor and wall framing. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • CAV 1225 - Framing ll

    5 SH
    This course will apply the techniques of cutting and assembly of framing materials based on predetermined specifications. (1 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • CAV 1315 - Interior Finishing and Cabinetmaking

    5 SH
    This course includes experience in all types of interior ceiling, wall covering, trim work, and floor covering including cabinet construction. (1 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • CAV 1413 - Roofing

    3 SH
    Types of roofs, roofing materials and their application. Basic roofing techniques, including material selection, roof styles, cost estimation, and installation procedures. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • CAV 1513 - Exterior Finishing

    3 SH
    Included are types of trims (moldings, cornices, and door and window trims). Also included are wall covering techniques, styles, installation, and finishing. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • CAV 2113 - Principles of Multi-Family and Light Commercial Construction

    3 SH
    A course including the fundamentals of multi-family and light commercial construction. Emphasis will be placed on the application of local codes and standards. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • CAV 2133 - Advanced Cabinetmaking

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: CAV 1315 ) This course includes principles of building and installation of cabinets, drawers, and shelves. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • CAV 2313 - Advanced Interior Finishing

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites:   ) Included are procedures for advanced ceiling and wall interior finishing and for stair calculation and construction. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • CAV 2913 - Special Project in Residential Carpentry

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing in Residential Carpentry) A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Residential Carpentry Technology courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • CAV 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Residential Carpentry

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing in Residential Carpentry) This course is a cooperative program between industry and education. It is designed to integrate the student‘s technical studies with industrial experience. Credit is awarded on the basis of one (1) semester hour per 45 Industrial contact hours. (18 hr externship)

Respiratory Care Technology

  • RCT 1213 - Respiratory Care Science

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Admission to the RCT Program) This course is designed to introduce the student respiratory care practitioner to fundamental elements important to the delivery of health care in a safe, efficient, and professional manner. (3 hr lecture)
  • RCT 1223 - Patient Assessment and Planning

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Admission to the RCT Program) This course is a fundamental approach to subjective and objective evaluation, assessment, and care plan formation for the individual needs of the patient. It is an introduction to cardiopulmonary diseases including etiology, pathophysiology, complications, occurrences, clinical manifestations, treatment, and prevention. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RCT 1313 - Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Admission to the RCT Program) This course is a study of cardiopulmonary physiology in relation to the practice of respiratory care. (3 hr lecture)
  • RCT 1322 - Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1313 ) This course is an introduction to pulmonary function testing technique and equipment. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RCT 1415 - Respiratory Care Technology I

    5 SH
    (Prerequisites: Admission to the RCT Program) This course is a study of respiratory treatments and equipment design and operation related to non-critical procedures. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • RCT 1424 - Respiratory Care Technology II

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1415 ) This course is a continuation of Respiratory Care Technology I. It is a study of the management of respiratory failure including mechanical ventilation, pulmonary rehabilitation, and home care. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RCT 1516 - Clinical Practice I

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1213 , RCT 1223 , RCT 1313 , RCT 1415 , RCT 1611 ) Patient assessment, performance of basic respiratory care procedures, and care plan formation are presented in the hospital environment. A procedural guide is utilized to evaluate student competencies and performance of respiratory care procedures. (18 hr clinical)
  • RCT 1523 - Clinical Practice II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1516 ) In this course, students rotate through various respiratory care sub-specialty areas for evaluation of competency and performance of respiratory care procedures. (9 hr clinical)
  • RCT 1611 - Respiratory Care Pharmacology I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Admission to the RCT Program) (Corequisites: RCT 1213 , RCT 1313 , RCT 1223 ) This course is designed to introduce the student to aerosolized pharmacology related to cardiopulmonary disorders. (1 hr lecture)
  • RCT 2333 - Cardiopulmonary Pathology

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1313 ) This course is a study of the cardiopulmonary pathophysiology. It includes etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, and treatment of various cardiopulmonary diseases, incorporating clinical practice guidelines and therapist driven protocols. Case studies and/or clinical simulations will be utilized to enforce learning and evaluate progress. (3 hr lecture)
  • RCT 2434 - Respiratory Care Technology III

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1424 ) This course is an advanced study of respiratory care in the critical care setting. Topics include nonconventional modes of mechanical ventilation, hemodynamics, special procedures and advanced cardiac life support. (3hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • RCT 2534 - Clinical Practice III

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1523 ) In this course, students rotate through various clinical and specialty areas for evaluation of competency and performance of advanced respiratory care procedures. (12 hr clinical)
  • RCT 2546 - Clinical Practice IV

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1516 , RCT 1523 , RCT 2534 ) This is a continuation of Clinical Practice III. In this course, students rotate through various respiratory care areas. A procedural guide is utilized to evaluate student competency and ability to perform independently. (18 hr clinical)
  • RCT 2613 - Neonatal/Pediatrics Management

    3 SH
    (Corequisites: RCT 2434  , RCT 2534 ) This course is a study of fetal development and the transition to extrauterine environment. It includes the most common cardiopulmonary disorders, neonatal and pediatric disease process, and the mode of treatment. (3 hr lecture)
  • RCT 2622 - Respiratory Care Pharmacology II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 1611 , RCT 1213 , RCT 1313 , RCT 1223 ) This course is a continuation of RCT 1611 , and designed to introduce the student to further advanced pharmacology related to cardiopulmonary disorders. (2 hr lecture)
  • RCT 2712 - Respiratory Care Seminar

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: RCT 2434 ) This course is designed to integrate the essential elements of respiratory care practice through the use of care plans, case studies, and clinical simulations in a laboratory environment. Students develop an analytical approach to problem solving. Critical thinking is emphasized. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)

Robotics Technology

  • ROT 1113 - Introduction to Robotics

    3 SH
    This course is designed to introduce the student to industrial robots. Topics to be covered include robotic history, industrial robot configurations, operation, basic programming, and minor machine adjustments on hydraulically, pneumatically, and electrically driven robots. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • ROT 1213 - Industrial Hydraulics

    3 SH
    This course introduces the students to basic hydraulics, hydraulic actuators, accumulators, valves, pumps, motors, fluids, coolers, and filters. Emphasis is placed on development of hydraulic control circuits and troubleshooting. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • ROT 1223 - Industrial Pneumatics

    3 SH
    This course introduces the students to basic pneumatic principles, compression of air, work devices, control devices, and circuit diagrams. Emphasis is placed on development of pneumatic control circuits, electromechanical control of fluid power, and troubleshooting techniques. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)

Small Engine and Equipment Service

  • TEM 1103 - Basic Turf Equipment Mechanics I

    3 SH
    Basic study of principles of mechanics as applied to turf equipment, emphasizing small and multi-cylinder engines and electric motors. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1114 - Turf Equipment Mechanics I

    4 SH
    Basic Study of principles of mechanics and preventive maintenance as applied to turf equipment, emphasizing small engine systems such as fuel, ignition, and lubrication. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1122 - Sharpening & Grinding

    2 SH
    Principles and practices of sharpening tools and equipment used in turf equipment operation, with special emphasis on grinding and lapping reel mowers. (4 hr lab)
  • TEM 1123 - Turf Equipment Shop Management

    3 SH
    Elements of turf equipment shop management including shop safety and OSHA regulations, shop tools and equipment, design, overall shop maintenance, and inventory control. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1133 - Turf Equipment Diagnosis Theory I

    3 SH
    The study of problems that affect the proper operation of golf course equipment and developing a systematic approach to diagnosing and repairing the problem. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1134 - Cutting System Maintenance

    4 SH
    Classroom and laboratory instruction in the correct procedures used for proper cutting system performance. Instruction will be given in the areas of drive systems, sharpening grinding, adjustment, and replacement of rotary blades and mower reels. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1144 - Turf Equipment Diagnostics I

    4 SH
    A study of the tools, fasteners, measuring devices, and fluids used in the diagnosis and repair of turf equipment systems. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1214 - D/C Electrical Systems

    4 SH
    Study and repair of D/C electrical systems used in the turf equipment industry, emphasis is placed on wire size demands, safety systems, charging systems, starting systems and lighting systems. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1224 - Turf Equipment Mechanics II

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: TEM 1114 , TEM 1134 ) Continuation of study of basic mechanics as applied to turf equipment, emphasizing preventive maintenance and repair of multi-cylinder gasoline and diesel engine systems such as fuel, cooling, and emissions. An additional unit will be taught on career opportunities. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1234 - Turf Equipment Diagnostics II

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: TEM 1134 ) The advanced study of the diagnosis of turf equipment problems with emphasis on bearings, seals, hydraulic, brake, and steering systems. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1243 - Chassis Repair and Maintenance

    3 SH
    Instruction in the proper use and safe operation of various types of chassis repair equipment used in the Turf Equipment Management industry. This equipment includes oxy-acetylene cutting and welding, arc welding, painting and grinding. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 1253 - Small Engine and Equipment Projects

    3 SH
    Students will complete a variety of equipment refurbishment projects of their choice with instructor approval. Various types of instruction will be used, such as lecture, audio-visual, one-on-one, and demonstration as needed. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • TEM 2923 - Turf Equipment Management Supervised Work Experience

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum 12 SCH Turf Equipment Management courses or consent of instructor) Supervised training in equipment and shop management at selected golf courses, equipment management shops, landscape maintenance companies, or equipment dealers‘ facilities. (400 hours work hours)

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