Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Below is a listing of all courses taught at Hinds Community College, including their descriptions. For information on class syllabi for our most popular academic course offerings, click here. For all current course availabilities and times, click here.



  • ACC 2213 - Principles of Accounting I

    3 SH
    Study of the fundamentals and application of financial accounting principles that relate to business.  The topics to be covered include the accounting cycle and the accounting systems for service and merchandising businesses. (3 hr lecture)
  • ACC 2223 - Principles of Accounting II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ACC 2213 ; grade of “C” or above required) A continuation of ACC 2213 .  The topics to be covered include corporate accounting concepts, managerial accounting concepts and internal business decision-making. (3 hr lecture)

Agribusiness Management Technology

  • AGT 1111 - Survey of Agricultural Technology

    1 SH
    A course to provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge, practice, and study in agricultural technology. Includes lectures and seminars on current agricultural topics including government programs and policies, current technological trends and practices, international agriculture, agricultural leadership, and employment opportunities in the agribusiness field. (1 hr lecture)
  • AGT 1163 - Introduction to Spatial Information Systems

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course provides an overview of spatial information concepts and the tools of spatial information systems (GNSS, GIS, VRT, and remote sensing).  Students will recognize the impact of spatial information technology on our lives currently and in the future.  They will research potential career opportunities as they relate to the emerging technologies and the basic concepts under which spatial information functions. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 1214 - Applied Principles of Animal Production

    4 SH
    A course to provide students with basic principles related to the production of farm animals. Includes instruction in the basic production cycle, breeding, nutrition, and health of beef and dairy cattle, hogs, poultry, and commercial fish. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1254 - GNSS Data Collection

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) A course to introduce students to the general principles of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, their use, and realized and potential value in agriculture.  Students will learn to acquire, import and export, and use geo-referenced data.  The student will also be able to perform basic troubleshooting, grasp the concepts of spatial variability, and interpret different map projections. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1313 - Applied Principles of Plant Production

    3 SH
    A course to provide information related to the growth, nutrition, and general culture of agricultural and horticultural crops. Includes instruction on photosynthesis and transpiration, plant nutrition, pest control, and reproduction. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1333 - Vegetable Crop Production

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is a study of vegetable crop techniques including conventional and minimal tillage, greenhouse management, planting, pest control, harvesting, and physical marketing practices. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1354 - Remote Sensing

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course provides an overview of remote sensing technologies for agricultural operations.  The course will emphasize basic concepts, and satellite-based, airborne, and ground-based sensing methods.  Digital image interpretation and analysis will be a major component.  The student will understand how remote sensing is used with spatial information and variable-rate technologies for precision agriculture management. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1413 - Principles of Agricultural Management

    3 SH
    This course provides instruction in organization and structure of agricultural businesses, decision-making, and the planning process for farming operations. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1513 - Principles of Agricultural Marketing

    3 SH
    An introduction to general principles of marketing agricultural products. Includes instruction in general marketing practices and the use of future contracts. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1613 - Agricultural Records

    3 SH
    An introduction to agricultural record keeping techniques including single entry accounting methods, field and enterprise records, credit purchases, and sinking funds. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 1714 - Applied Soils - Conservation and Use

    4 SH
    A course to introduce the student to the general principles of soil conservation and safe use. Includes instruction in the soil formation process, properties of soils, soil texture, and soil management for optimum safe use. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1813 - Judging Fitting Grooming

    3 SH
    Provides information and practice on fitting, grooming, and judging livestock products. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1913 - Animal Reproduction

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 1214  & Instructor Approval) This course provides information and laboratory opportunities to assist students in learning about animal production. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2154 - Geographic Information Systems I

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is an overview of applications of Geographic Information Systems.  Commercial software is used to cover user interface, views, themes, tables, and layouts.  Basic functions of building, editing, querying, and spatial analysis of layers and databases will be reviewed.  Hands-on exercises will encompass several disciplines and will include mobile GIS applications. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2164 - Variable Rate Technology

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) An introductory course on basic principles of variable rate technology (VRT) (site-specific, precision farming technology).  This course will provide instruction on the importance of variable rate technology; data collection techniques for variable rate applications; development of prescription application maps and components; and calibration, installation, and troubleshooting of variable rate equipment. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2174 - Agricultural Geographic Information Systems

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course reviews several agricultural Geographic Information Systems, including the use of spatial data and spatial analysis for record keeping, modeling, and management of an agronomic ecosystem. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2213 - Agricultural Sales

    3 SH
    A course in the advertising, sales, and promotion of agricultural supplies and services. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2263 - Applied Agricultural Economics

    3 SH
    A course to introduce the student to economic principles as applied to agribusiness operations.  (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2363 - Crop Production

    3 SH
    This course is a study of crop production techniques including tillage and planting, pest control, and physical marketing practices for crops in Mississippi. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2413 - Weed Control

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) A course to provide students with information and skills for controlling plant pests in agricultural crops.  This course includes instruction in the use and application of chemicals for weed control. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2434 - Crop Management Zones

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) The focus of this course will be on the identification and management of production zones within crop fields.  This course will provide students a working knowledge of geo-spatial tools and remote imaging techniques to identify regions of distinction within a field and methods to develop management strategies to maximize economic gains for cropping systems.  The course will introduce the use of various decision support tools available for crop management, including geographic information systems and crop models. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2463 - Insects and Controls

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) A course to provide instruction and training in techniques of control of insect pests.  Includes instruction in the safe and proper use of chemical and other control methods. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2474 - Site Specific Pest Management

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course provides instruction and training in conventional and site-specific techniques used in control of agricultural pests including insects, diseases, weeds, and nematodes.  Students will use pest management techniques and tools including spatial information systems to evaluate impact of pest injury and costs associated with control.  Students will learn how variable rate technologies are applied in the field for site-specific pest management. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2483 - Agricultural Pest Management

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) A course to provide students with information and skills for controlling pests.  This includes instruction in the use and application of chemicals for control of weeds, insects, and diseases. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2513 - Management of Commercial Layers

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in the management of commercial layers. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2523 - Introduction to Poultry Production

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in the production, processing, and marketing of poultry and/or poultry products. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2533 - Poultry Nutrition

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in poultry nutrition. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2543 - Hatchery/Feed Mill Management

    3 SH
    This course is designed to give the student the practical principles and application techniques in hatchery/feed mill management. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2553 - Broiler Production

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in broiler production. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2573 - Broiler Processing

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in broiler processing. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2583 - Poultry Production & Processing Internship

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to give the student practical principles and application techniques in poultry production and processing. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 2613 - Forage & Pasture Crops

    3 SH
    A comprehensive course in the production and management of forage and pasture crops. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2663 - Applied Animal Nutrition

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 1214 ) A comprehensive course of study on the practical principles and applications of nutrition. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2713 - Beef Production I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 1214 ) A course to provide knowledge and practice in the area of beef production. Includes instruction in animal breeding and nutrition and livestock handling practices. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2723 - Beef Production II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 2713 ) A continuation of Beef Production I with emphasis on management, herd health, and marketing. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2863 - Horse Production

    3 SH
    A comprehensive course in the production and management of horses. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2913 - Special Problems in Agricultural Business and Management Technology

    3 SH
    This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Agricultural Business and Management courses.  The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • AGT 2924 - Supervised Agricultural Experience

    4 SH
    This internship course provides actual work experience in an agriculture business under the direction of the employer and the instructor. (12 hr externship)


  • AGR 1111 - Survey of Agriculture

    1 SH
    An introductory course covering the general functions, organization, and operation of the agricultural industry in both national and international settings. (1 hr lecture)
  • AGR 1214 - Animal Science

    4 SH
    Fundamental principles and practical application of livestock, dairy, and poultry science.  Origin, history, characteristics, market classes, and grades of the major breeds of livestock and poultry. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 1313 - Plant Science

    3 SH
    Scientific principles as the basis for practice in producing, handling, processing, marketing, and utilizing agronomic and horticultural crops. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGR 2253 - Livestock Judging and Evaluation

    3 SH
    Evaluation and judging of representative groups of livestock from the standpoint of the breeder and the market. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AGR 2314 - Basic Soils

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: MAT 0123  or MAT 0124  or higher) A general course in soils designed to give the student a basic understanding of all important phases of the subject, including soil genesis, morphology, classification, and the physical chemical and biological aspects of soils as applied to soil fertility.  Soil management, including fertilization and liming of soils, is also included.  (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 2713 - Principles of Agricultural Economics

    3 SH
    Economic principles applied to production, value, prices, credit, taxation, land tenure, marketing, international trade, and related problems affecting agriculture.  (3 hr lecture)


  • ART 1113 - Art Appreciation

    3 SH
    A course designed to provide an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts.  (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 1213 - Introductory Art

    3 SH
    A studio course designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental elements of art and develop a visual literacy. (3 hr directed lab)
  • ART 1313 - Drawing I

    3 SH
    An introduction to the basic principles and materials of drawing. Emphasis will be on observational drawing and black and white media. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1323 - Drawing II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1313 ) Continuation of skills from Drawing I with an introduction to color and further study of composition. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1383 - Photography I

    3 SH
    An introduction to the theory, practice, and history of photography, with emphasis on basic camera and darkroom processes. (1 hr lecture, 5 hr lab)
  • ART 1393 - Photography II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1383 ) Continuation of physical principles and techniques introduced in Photography I. (1 hr lecture, 5 hr lab)
  • ART 1433 - Design I

    3 SH
    Introduction to the fundamentals of two-dimensional design with emphasis in black and white media. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1443 - Design II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1433 ) Continuation of Design I with emphasis in color theory. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1453 - Three-Dimensional Design

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1433 ) To provide students with an understanding of spatial form in three dimensions through the use of applied design elements and principles to studio problems in mixed media.
  • ART 1513 - Computer Art

    3 SH
    An introduction to the theory and practice of using the computer to create art. A study of methods and applications utilizing the computer and selected software applications. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 1811 - Exhibition Class I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor) Attendance at 75% of all college art exhibitions during the semester student is enrolled. The intended requirement is for art majors to monitor and encourage independent research in career practices and promotion. Submission of individual art work to at least one local, regional, or national exhibition is required.  Required of all art majors.  (1/2 hr lecture, 1 1/2 hr lab)
  • ART 1821 - Exhibition Class II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1811  and permission of the instructor) Attendance at 75% of all college art exhibitions during the semester student is enrolled. The intended requirement is for art majors to monitor and encourage independent research in career practices and promotion. Submission of individual art work to at least one local, regional, or national exhibition is required.  Required of all art majors. (1/2 hr lecture, 1 1/2 hr lab)
  • ART 1913 - Art for Elementary Teachers

    3 SH
    Development of essential concepts of children’s art education in compliance with the National Standards for Arts Education. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2113 - The Arts and Culture

    3 SH
    A course designed to provide students with onsite field experience (domestic or international). (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ART 2353 - Figure Drawing I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1323 ) A study of proportion in the human figure through the use of gesture, contour, and value. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2513 - Painting I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1313  & ART 1433 ) An introduction to painting compositions and techniques. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2523 - Painting II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 2513 ) A further study in the compositions, techniques, and concepts in Painting I. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2613 - Ceramics I

    3 SH
    This course is directed toward an introduction to different aspects and materials of ceramic design. Instruction covers forming and shaping by hand and by mechanical means, various kiln operations, understanding the nature of clay and glazes and an appreciation of functional and non-functional forms. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2623 - Ceramics II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 2613 ) Continuation of skills introduced in ART 2613 - Ceramics I . Emphasis on individual problem solving. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2633 - Sculpture I

    3 SH
    Study of 3-D media and methods exploring subtractive and additive sculpture process. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2713 - Art History I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ENG 0113  or higher, REA 0123  or higher) Survey course of historical background of art forms from Prehistoric to Renaissance. Emphasis is on painting, architecture, and sculpture as related to history. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2723 - Art History II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ENG 0113  or higher, REA 0123  or higher) Survey course of historical background of art forms from Renaissance to present with special emphasis on contemporary expression. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2913 - Special Studio

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Six hours of courses in the area selected for special studio and recommendation by the art faculty) Independent study in an area of special interest. Course designed for the exceptional student. Instructor approval dependent on discipline. Can only take twice. (6 hr studio)

Automotive Machinist

  • AUT 1006 - Introduction to Automotive Machinist Technology I

    6 SH
    This course contains the baseline competencies and suggested objectives from the high school curriculum that directly relate to the community college program.  The courses are designed for students entering the community college who have had no previous training or documented experience in the field. (3 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AUT 1116 - Fundamentals for Automotive Machinists

    6 SH
    This course includes the study and practice of personal hand tools and shop safety; study and practice of measuring; types of calipers, micrometers, and gauges; types and uses of hand tools, mechanical tools, power, and hydraulic tools, fluids, and coolants; and identification of materials and metals. Included is the development of employment skills useful to the Automotive Machining occupations. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • AUT 1216 - Cylinder Head Service

    6 SH
    This course includes the rebuilding of cylinder heads.  Included are valve, guide, and seat reconditioning, as well as the resurfacing and assembly of heads.  Crack detection and repair are also included in the course. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • AUT 1224 - High Performance Heads

    4 SH
    This course covers the advanced techniques and practices of cylinder head porting.  The goal of this course is to have the learners achieve a high level of understanding and skills in the flow of air through the cylinder head. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AUT 1316 - Cylinder Block Service

    6 SH
    This course includes the study of cylinder reconditioning, crankshaft renewal, and rod reconditioning. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • AUT 1416 - Engine Assembly

    6 SH
    This course includes preparation of the block and components for assembly.  The individual installation of all internal components is included in the course. (2 hr. lecture, 8 hr. lab)
  • AUT 1513 - Parts and Labor

    3 SH
    This course includes training in the use of computerized parts pricing and inventory, labor price guide, and the purchasing and recovery of core materials. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AUT 1613 - Crankshaft Balancing and Advanced Crankshaft Grinding

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: AUT 1316 ) This course includes the balancing of bottom-end rotating and reciprocating parts.  Crankshaft indexing, straightening, and stroking are also included.  (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AUT 1713 - Brake Rotor and Drum Machining

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: AUT 1116 ) This course includes machining of the brake drum and rotor. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AUT 1913 - Special Problem in Automotive Machinist

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: First semester Automotive Machinist courses) This course is to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Automotive Machinist courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • AUT 1923 - Supervised Work Experience

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: Instructor Approval and the completion of at least one semester of coursework in the Automotive Machinist program) This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience. (9 hr externship)

Automotive Technology

  • ATT 1124 - Basic Electrical/Electronics Systems

    4 SH
    This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to all components of the vehicle electrical system including lights, battery and charging components.  (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1134 - Advanced Electrical/Electronic Systems

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: ATT 1124 ) This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to all components of the vehicle electrical system including gages, driver information systems, horn, wiper/wiper systems, and accessories.  (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1214 - Brakes

    4 SH
    This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the repair and maintenance of brake systems on automobiles.  It includes instruction and practice in diagnosis of braking systems problems and the repair of brake systems. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1313 - Manual Drive Trains/Transaxles

    3 SH
    This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the maintenance and repair of manual transmissions, transaxles, and drive train components.  It includes instruction in the diagnosis of drive train problems, and the repair and maintenance of transmissions, transaxles, clutches, CV joints, differentials, and other components. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1424 - Engine Performance I

    4 SH
    This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the maintenance and adjustment of gasoline engines for optimum performance.  It includes instruction, diagnosis and correction of problems associated with these areas. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1714 - Engine Repair

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the repair and rebuilding of automotive engines.  It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and repair of engine components including valve train, block, piston and connecting rods, crankshaft, and oil pumps. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1811 - Introduction, Safety and Employability

    1 SH
    The student will comply with personal and environmental safety practices associated with clothing; eye protection; hand tools; power equipment; proper ventilation; and the handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals/materials in accordance with local, state, and federal safety and environmental regulations. (1 hr lecture)
  • ATT 2324 - Automatic Transmission/Transaxles

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval) This course is designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the diagnosis of automatic transmission and transaxles.  Includes instruction and practice of testing, inspection, and repair/replacing of these devices. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2334 - Steering and Suspension Systems

    4 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the inspection and repair of steering and suspension systems on automobiles. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis of steering system problems and the repair/replacement of steering systems components. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2434 - Engine Performance II

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites:  ) This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the ignition system, fuel, air induction, and exhaust systems.,  It includes instruction, diagnosis and correction of problems associated within these areas. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2444 - Engine Performance III

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites:  ) This is a course designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the emissions control systems and engine related service.  It includes instruction, diagnosis and correction of problems associated within these areas.  (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2614 - Heating and Air Conditioning

    4 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge associated with the maintenance and repair of automotive heating and air conditioning systems. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and repair of heating and air conditioning system components, and control systems. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2911 - Special Problems in Automotive Technology

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of classes in Automotive Technology) A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Automotive Technology courses.  The instructor and student work together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (2 hr lab)
  • ATT 2912 - Special Problems in Automotive Technology

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites:  Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of classes in Automotive Technology) A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Automotive Technology courses.  The instructor and student work together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2913 - Special Problems in Automotive Technology

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of classes in Automotive Technology) A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Automotive Technology courses.  The instructor and student work together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • ATT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of Automotive Technology classes) A course which is available on campus or a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience.  Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (3 hr externship)
  • ATT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of classes in Automotive Technology) A course which is available on campus or a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience.  Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (6 hr externship)
  • ATT 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of Automotive Technology classes) A course which is available on campus or a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience.  Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (9 hr externship)
  • ATT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester of Automotive Technology classes) A course which is available on campus or a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience.  Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (12 hr externship)
  • ATT 2925 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology

    5 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor Approval and completion of one semester Automotive Technology classes) A course which is available on campus or a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student’s technical studies with industrial experience.  Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. (15 hr externship)

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