Oct 02, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

All Credit Programs of Study

Educational Program Effectiveness

The effectiveness of the educational program is evidenced by the performance of the students. Students completing an academic program of study will have a basis for success in continued education or workplace employment. Students completing a technical degree program of study or a technical or career certificate program of study will have a basis for success in workplace employment. All students are provided opportunities to develop intellectually, socially, physically, and spiritually. Specifically:

  1. Hinds Community College students who receive the Associate of Arts degree and pursue a baccalaureate degree at four-year institutions will perform as well as the native students at the transfer institutions.

  2. Hinds Community College students who complete all degree requirements for an Associate of Applied Science degree or all program of study requirements for a technical or career certificate who score at or above the state/national norm on the Career Planning Assessment System (CPAS), will be employed in the field or a related field for which they are trained, and will meet employer expectations.

  3. Graduates of the Associate Degree Nursing program will be successful on the initial writing of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX®).

  4. Graduates of other programs of study that require licensure for employment will be successful on their licensure examinations.

All Degree Programs

Minimum Requirements for an AA and an AAS Degree

The following minimum requirements for an Associate of Arts and an Associate of Applied Science Degree reflect the basic requirements set forth for an associate degree by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and the Mississippi Community College Board. These requirements apply to all AA and AAS degree programs.

All degree programs (Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Science) will contain the 15-17 semester hours defined as General Education Core courses.

General Education Core

The purpose of the General Education Core is to instill in degree graduates a broader view of the human experience and to incorporate their own points of reference when viewing the world around them. General Education Core courses expose students to content areas in which they gain knowledge, acquire communication skills, and articulate their own perspectives on life situations separate from the area in which they are seeking a degree.

Students who earn an Associate of Arts degree or an Associate of Applied Science degree from Hinds Community College will evidence the following General Education Core competencies:

General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs):

Communication (Oral or Written)
C1. Main Idea:  State a main purpose or idea.
C2. Organization:  Demonstrate effective organization of information.
C3. Content Development:  Use appropriate content to develop/explore ideas.
C4. Formality & Tone:  Use a level of formality and tone appropriate to the audience.
C5. Grammar/Mechanics:  Use correct grammar, mechanics, and syntax appropriate to the audience.
T1. Digital Tools:  Use digital tools for a defined purpose.
T2. Appropriate Technology:  Identify appropriate technology in a particular discipline/field.
T3. Functionality of Technology:  Describe the use/functionality of technology in a particular discipline/field.
T4. Technology Application:  Apply technology in a particular discipline/field.
Logical Reasoning
L1. Identify a Problem:  Identify a problem/argument/significant idea.
L2. Apply Concepts and Strategies:  Apply concepts and strategies to formulate a plan.
L3. Justify Decisions:  Justify decisions relevant to solving a problem.
L4. Evaluate Conclusions:  Implement/Evaluate conclusions using data from varied sources.
P1. Identify Activities:  Identify the artistic, cultural, recreational, educational, or professional activities necessary for success in one’s career or academic discipline. 
P2. Incorporate Diverse Cultures:  Incorporate diverse cultures and/or points of view within the discipline/field.
P3. Professional Standards:  Demonstrate the standards of professional image, teamwork, or leadership.
P4. Personal Accountability:  Develop strategies for personal accountability, self-discipline, or responsibility.

To ensure these competencies, all degree programs of study contain the following General Education Core courses:

English Composition I (ENG 1113  or ENG 1114 )*

3-4 SH

Career/Technical students may take Technical English ENG 1033  to fulfill the English requirement, however they should consult with an advisor as this course may not transfer as English credit to university.


Math Elective consists of College Algebra (MAT 1313  or MAT 1314 ) and higher level numbered Math courses (except MAT 1723 , MAT 1733 , and MAT 1743 ).

Career/Technical students may take Technical Math MAT 1033  to fulfill the math requirement, however they should consult with an advisor as this course may not transfer as math credit to university.

Science Elective includes lecture and lab components. 


3-4 SH

Social or Behavioral Science (Economics (ECO), Geography (GEO), History (HIS), Political Science (PSC), Psychology (PSY), or Sociology (SOC) course)

3 SH

Fine Arts (ART 1113 , MUS 1113 , MUS 2123 , SPT 2233  , DAN 1113 , DAN 1123 ) or Humanities (any History (HIS); any Modern Foreign Language course [except


  MFL 2243 ]; PHI 2113 , PHI 2123 , PHI 2713 ; HUM 1113 ; or a Literature)  

3 SH

Public Speaking I or Interpersonal Communication (SPT 1113  or SPT 2173 

3 SH

General Education Core Total:

15-17 SH**

Students who earn a degree from Hinds Community College by following the first two years of a program of study as shown in a senior institution’s catalog must complete the General Education Core requirements even if they are not contained within the first two years of that chosen program of study.

**Additional Graduation Requirement: Any student (first-time, transfer, and part-time) who begins at Hinds Fall 2007 and later will be required to take Orientation (LLS 1312 /RST 1312 ) to graduate from the College. Exception: Orientation credit (1-3 hrs) transferred to Hinds from another college will satisfy our orientation requirement.

Instructional Methods at Hinds Community College

Instructional Method   Contact “Hours” per Semester for 1 Credit Hour
CLE (Clinical)   45-60 Hours
INT (Internship)   45-48 Hours
LAB (Laboratory)   30-45 Hours
LEC (Lecture)   15 Hours
ML (Music Lesson)   15 Hours (Applied music courses have a ‘Music Lesson’ component of 30 min-1 hr/week)
PR (Music Practice)   75 Hours
SEM (Seminar)*   varies - for non-credit courses only
STU (Art & Dance Studio)   15-30 Hours
WE (Work Experience)   45-100 Hours

*NOTE: The SEM instructional method is used for most WFD, PDI, and CEU non-credit courses.