Feb 15, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Expenses and Financial Aid

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees*

(*All costs subject to change)

In-state students

$980 Per semester tuition for full-time students (12 or more hours)
$100 Per semester hour for part-time students (11 hours or less)
$50 Registration fee (non-refundable)
$30 Late registration fee/late paying fees by due date (non-refundable)
$20 Per semester hour for distance learning classes (plus regular tuition)

Out-of-state students (and out of country)

$2,280 Per semester tuition for full-time students (12 or more hours)
$200 Per semester hour for part-time students (11 hours or less)
$50 Registration fee (non-refundable)
$80 Late registration fee (non-refundable)
$495 International insurance for foreign students 
$125 Out-of-country service fee per semester for foreign students

Housing (Raymond and Utica Campuses)

$50 Housing room reservation fee (non-refundable). Prepay prior to each semester (See Housing Handbook for housing eligibility requirements) 
$1,000-1,500 Housing fee per semester for residence halls 


$950 Meal Plan (19 meals per week-Raymond and Utica Campuses)
$190 Commuter meal ticket (optional-see below)

Summer Tuition and Fees

$50 Registration Fee
$100 Per semester hour for in-state students
$200 Per semester hour for out-of-state students
$20 Per semester hour for distance learning classes (plus regular tuition)
$295 Per each 4 week term meals
$300 Per each 4 week term  housing fee for residence halls

Other charges

$30 Lab fee
$25 Parking decal per semester/term
$75 Financial Orientation Fee

MasterCard and Visa/Online Payment

Hinds Community College will accept Hinds debit card, MasterCard and Visa for the payment of student tuition and fees. Students may pay tuition and fees online at my.hindscc.edu. Deferred fee payment is available for fall and spring semesters. Summer tuition and fees cannot be deferred. For more information call the business office at the location you plan to attend:

Rankin Campus, Administration Building 601.936.5551
Raymond Campus, Administration Building 601.857.3205
Jackson Campus-
  Nursing Allied/Health Center, Anderson Hall 601.376.4805
Academic/Technical Center, Alexander Building 601.987.8166
Utica Campus, Administration Building-AA 601.885.7028
Vicksburg Campus, Banks Building 601.629.6806

Payment of Registration Expenses Required 10 Days Before First Day of Traditional Classes:

The payment of charges for tuition, fees, room, and board is part of the registration process. All fees are due 10 days prior to the first day of traditional classes. Thus, Hinds requires each registered student to have completed one of the following steps:

  1. Paid fees in full
  2. Entered into a payment plan for the current outstanding account balance on my.hindscc.edu. For log-in instructions, visit www.hindscc.edu/online.
  3. Have completed all financial aid forms and have financial aid award amount that can pay ALL outstanding fees.

FAILURE TO COMPLETE ONE OF THESE STEPS WILL RESULT IN DELETION OF YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE!!! You will then have to re-register for your classes which may result in inconvenient times, sections, or locations.

Student Deregistration Deadline Occurs during the Second Week of Traditional Classes:

All students who register 9 days prior to the first day of traditional classes or during late registration must also make arrangements for payment of tuition, housing, and meals to complete the registration process. Thus, Hinds requires each registered student to have completed one of the following steps by the end of the second week of classes:

  1. Paid fees in full
  2. Entered into a payment plan for the current outstanding account balance on my.hindscc.edu.  For log-in instructions, visit www.hindscc.edu/online.  
  3. Have completed all financial aid forms and have financial aid award amount that can pay ALL outstanding fees.


Web Payment at my.hindscc.edu on the College website at www.hindscc.edu:

My. Hinds allows students to use the latest technology to complete business transactions with the College at anytime. Students may check their account balances or pay tuition and various fees by using a credit or debit card. Parents must obtain the students login ID and password from their student to access to this feature.

Method of Payment:

Payment of fees may be made on-line using Visa or MasterCard on My.Hinds. At each campus you may visit the business office which accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, money orders, travelers checks, paper checks (subject to approval by Telecheck), and cash.

Payment Plan:

Hinds offers a tuition and fees payment plan which helps in budgeting college costs but requires financial planning by students and their families. Full time students and part-time students with more than 3 hours will qualify to enroll in the monthly payment plan which will include the cost for tuition, fees, housing, and meals. Students are required to pay all previous term balances to complete the registration process. Students who elect to participate in the payment plan must go to my.hindscc.edu on the College website at www.hindscc.edu to enroll and complete the necessary documents.

Once the agreement is completed the student will be charged a $25 per semester non-refundable service fee along with the downpayment amount.  Payments are processed on the 5th of the month and continue until balance is paid in full.  Failure to make timely payments according to your agreement will result in the student’s restriction from future class registration, possibly having the account assigned to a collection agency, and non-release of transcripts.

Clearance of Obligations:

All financial or other obligations to the College must be cleared prior to the end of each semester or term. An outstanding balance for a prior semester or term must be paid before the student will be allowed to register for subsequent semesters or terms. Transcripts will not be issued if financial obligations have not been satisfied. Failure to meet financial obligations to the College could subject the student to additional late payment charges, as well as collection cost.

Other Expenses that may be incurred:

In addition to registration expenses, expenses may be incurred by students during the semester. The following are examples of charges that may be payable when incurred.

$40 Yearbook $20-50 Parking Ticket
$50 per Semester Wellness/Fitness $20 Replacement Key
$10 Replacement Campus ID Badge $30 Returned Check Fee
$25 Behavior Fine (minimum) $300 per semester for bus transportation (Utica only)
$20 Replacement Hinds Debit Card $190 Commuter Meal Ticket-5 day,1 meal/day(30 meals-tickets are not refundable/replaceable
$25 Deferred Payment Set-up    

Withholding of Funds:

If there is an outstanding account balance, and the College has in its possession any funds payable to the student, the College reserves the right to withhold funds necessary to pay the outstanding balance and cover any collection costs incurred. Once accounts are paid, any remaining balance will be refunded to the student.

Student Loans:

Student loans are disbursed in four (4) portions each semester or term. All bank loans are disbursed electronically. Loan disbursement information is not given over the telephone; inquiry must be made in person. 

Student Refunds:

Each registered Hinds student will receive a Hinds Debit Card. After all charges are paid, the balance of a student’s refund are credited to their Hinds Debit Card in quarterly payments during each semester.  The Hinds Debit Card will be mailed to the student, using the address on file with the College, approximately 3 or 4 weeks into the semester. To receive any refunds from the College, a student must activate his or her Hinds Debit Card. During card activation, the student will choose how to receive his or her refund money. Students have the following options:

  1. Once the College releases the funds, they can be directly deposited to the student’s Hinds Debit Card Account (1 day or less)
    The OneAccount from Higher One is a fully functioning FDIC insured FREE CHECKING account that allows students quick and easy access to their refunds. The OneAccount has no minimum balance, no monthly fees, and free Internet banking features. With the OneAccount, students can use their Hinds Debit Card to make purchases anywhere Debit MasterCard is accepted. Students will receive an e-mail when their refund has been directly deposited to their OneAccount. Students may view detail activity of their OneAccount by accessing their OneAccount statement online at www.HindsDebitCard.com.
  2. Once the College releases the funds, they can be directly deposited (ACH) to a third party bank account of the student’s choice (2 - 3 business days)
    If students choose to have their refund electronically deposited to an already existing bank account, the transfer may take 2-3 business days from the day the College releases the funds. Students will receive an e-mail once their refund has been processed. In order to have a refund deposited to their bank account, students must activate their Hinds Debit Card making the ACH to a third party bank choice at www.HindsDebitCard.com.

Regardless of how students choose to receive their refunds, they must use their Hinds Debit Card to make their refund delivery choice online at www.HindsDebitCard.com.

Withdrawals and Refunds:

Complete withdrawal:

Prior to Classes Starting

Students officially withdrawing prior to the start of a term will not be held liable for fees (other than nonrefundable fees). Students who have paid tuition can use My.Hinds to remove themselves from all classes.  For log-in instructions, visit www.hindscc.edu/online.

After Classes Have Started

Students must complete an official withdrawal form in the appropriate counseling office. In addition, the student must be current on their payment plan or pay any fees owed within 14 days of billing. Withdrawal from classes may result in the loss of financial aid previously applied. Students receiving Federal Title IV funds (Pell Grants, FSEOG, and William D. Ford Loans) that withdraw from school will earn only a percentage of their award based on the last day of attendance through 60% of the semester. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, the student may owe money back to Hinds. The liability for fees will not be excused for withdrawals effective after the start of the semester.


Students having made prior payment will be refunded the amount paid less their liability (the amount owed) after the withdrawal. Students suspended for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for refunds or reductions in liability. Refunds will be applied to any outstanding obligations and to any scholarship, grant, or loan received for the semester.  The refund policy is as follows:

Tuition and Fees:

  • 100% refund if complete withdrawal is initiated during the first week of Traditional/MSVCC courses.*
  • 50% refund if complete withdrawal is initiated during the second week of Traditional/MSVCC courses.*

*If a student is taking a combination of Traditional and MSVCC classes, the full refund is given during the first week of Traditional classes, with a 50% refund given during the second week of Traditional classes. 

 Housing Fees:

  • 75% refund before the sixth calendar day after Traditional classes begin
  • 50% refund before the eleventh calendar day after Traditional classes begin

Meal Plans:

  • Students withdrawing from residence halls during the semester may be refunded all full weeks remaining on the meal ticket period upon properly checking out of the residence halls.
Students who are Placed in Active Military Status:

Any student who has enrolled at Hinds Community College under the governance of the Board of Trustees, who is a member of the Mississippi National Guard, or one or more units of the Mississippi State Guard, or who is a member of any of the reserve components of the armed forces of the United States, and who has been placed in active duty status by orders of the President of the United States, or who has been drafted into any component of the armed forces of the United States, may be allowed to withdraw as a student of the college, with a full tuition refund, out of state fees (if applicable), student fees and any special fees, with room and board fees prorated with the approval of the president. 

Any student who withdraws from the college under this policy will not receive any grades.  The student record will show evidence of the withdrawal with documentation on file. 

Any student who has completed at least 3/4 of the semester and is in good standing with the college, and who needs only to take the final examination to complete the semester, has the option to leave the college pursuant to this policy, without his class standing affected, and without refund of any of the above fees or tuition.  However, within ninety (90) days after release from active duty, the student must make arrangements to take the final examination.  The score on the final exam plus the unfinished semester’s work will constitute the student’s final grade. 

In-State and Out-of-State Status:

See section on Residency Requirements in this catalog.  In-state or out-of-state status concerns or questions should be directed to the Office of Admissions.

Change in Regulations or Expenses:

All financial regulations, fees, or charges are subject to change as conditions warrant.

Financial Aid

General Requirements

Financial assistance is provided to students who have met admission requirements of the college and is to be used for educational purposes. For the student to be eligible to continue receiving Federal financial aid, he/she must file a yearly Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

In order to receive financial aid from any Federal Financial Aid Program or Mississippi Aid Program, the student must be in good standing and must make satisfactory progress in his/her course of study according to Hinds Community College Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of Federally Funded Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits. A student on Financial Aid suspension or student loan default or who owes Federal overpayment is not eligible for Federal or State financial aid.

Funds for financial aid come from Federal Government Programs, Hinds Community College, the State of Mississippi, individuals, and local civic organizations. The amount of money available for each award year depends upon the amount of money made available for the institution from these sources.


Due to the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, students who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED) and/or did not complete secondary school in a homeschool setting are no longer eligible for Title IV funds by passing an “ablility to benefit” test.  A Certificate of Completion does not equal a diploma. 

Those students who were enrolled in an eligible program of study prior to July 1, 2012 may continue to be considered Title IV eligible under the previously exisiting ability to benefit guidance.  Students that are still in high school and take concurrent enrollment classes are not eligible for financial aid. 

How to Apply

To be considered for any type of financial aid listed below, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov The Office of Financial Aid will electronically receive the results of the FAFSA approximately three to five days after the student files, provided Hinds’ Title IV school code, 002407, is submitted on the FAFSA. The student will be notified by mail if any additional documents are required. Financial Aid will be awarded to each student based on the individual’s need. Each student is considered for all types of aid and awarded accordingly. Early filing of the FAFSA will insure sufficient time to study the needs of each student. In order to receive priority consideration, the results from the FAFSA should be received by the Financial Aid Office prior to April 1. Additional applications will continue to be accepted after this date; however this is a priority deadline for programs which may have limited funding.

Return of Title IV Funds

Special rules apply when students withdraw after receiving Title IV financial aid for the term from any of the following programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant (PELL)
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • William D. Ford Direct Loan Program (SUB & UNSUB)
  • Federal PLUS Loan (borrowed on the student’s behalf)

The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 define Withdrawal as failure to complete the period of attendance on which federal aid eligibility was based and Unofficial Withdrawals as those students who simply stop attending class. Therefore, this policy affects not only those individuals who complete the formal withdrawal notification process, but also those students who simply stop attending classes. In either case, when a recipient of Title IV funds ceases attendance during a term, the college must calculate how much was earned by the student.

These rules are federally mandated and the amount of aid a student has earned for the enrollment period is based on the length of time the student remained enrolled for that period. Therefore, the percentage of the enrollment period completed is also the percentage of aid the student has earned. If a student withdraws on or before the 60% point of the enrollment period, the percentage of aid earned is equal to the percentage of time completed and excess funds must be returned to Title IV within 45 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point of the enrollment period has earned 100% of the aid for that period. Hinds Community College will return all unearned amount of Title IV Funds to the Department of Education. The amount of returned funds will be charged back to the student’s college account in the business office. Funds will be returned to the applicable Title IV aid programs in the following order:

  1. Federal Unsubsidized Loan
  2. Federal Subsidized Loan
  3. PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  6. Other Title IV Aid

All withdrawals (official and unofficial) are determined by the institution by a weekly report that identifies all Title IV recipients that have received a grade of F or W. The return to Title IV calculation will be completed using the first day we became aware the student has ceased attendance. After this calculation has been completed, the student might be entitled to a post-withdrawal disbursement which must be sent to the student within 45 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew. This type of disbursement is received after the student has withdrawn from school but has earned a greater percentage of aid than has been advanced to them.

Federal Programs


DESCRIPTION: $550 to $5,550 per year. Non-repayable if student continues enrollment beyond 60% of the enrollment period. For eligible applicants.
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates only without a Bachelor’s degree.
REQUIRED FORMS: FAFSA results and other documents as required.
DEADLINE: Priority - April 1.
DESCRIPTION: At least $200 per year. Non-repayable.
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates only with demonstrated need and based on availability of funds.
DEADLINE: Priority - April 1.
DESCRIPTION: Average 12 hours per week at $7.25 per hour.
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates with demonstrated need and based on availability of funds.
REQUIRED FORMS: FAFSA results and Hinds Community College Scholarship Application and Work-study Application.
DEADLINE: Priority - April 1.
TYPE: WILLIAM D. FORD DIRECT LOAN PROGRAM (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
DESCRIPTION: Amounts vary according to student‘s eligibility. Variable interest rate. Repayment begins 6 months after ceasing to be at least a half-time student (minimum of 6 semester hours).
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates with demonstrated need.
REQUIRED FORMS: FAFSA results, Federal Stafford Loan Application, and Entrance Counseling.
DEADLINE: Contact Financial Aid Office
DESCRIPTION: Maximum varies per year. Parents of Hinds Community College students. Variable interest rate can apply.
ELIGIBILITY: Based on the cost of attendance and amount of financial aid awarded.
REQUIRED FORMS: FAFSA results and PLUS Application.

 State Programs

DESCRIPTION: Up to $500 per year.
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates only. Mississippi resident for (1) year prior to enrollment in college.

High school graduate. Initial applicant: 15 ACT, 2.5 high school GPA, 2.5 college cumulative GPA for renewal. Must not be eligible for full Pell Grant. Must seek AA or AAS degree or Career or Technical Certificate.

  Call: 601.432.6997 or visit web site at www.mississippi.edu
DEADLINE: Before September 15.
DESCRIPTION: To cover tuition and mandatory fees.
ELIGIBILITY: Freshmen only. High school graduate and Mississippi resident for one year prior to enrollment in college. Semifinalist or finalist for National Merit or National Achievement Scholarship programs and 3.5 high school GPA; or ACT score of 29 and 3.5 high school GPA. Recipients must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
REQUIRED FORMS: MTAG/MESG Applications, Office of State and Financial Aid
  Call: 601.432.6997 or visit web site at www.mississippi.edu
DEADLINE: Before September 15.
DESCRIPTION: Average 12 to 20 hours per week at $7.25 per hour.
ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduates with demonstrated need based on the availability of funds.
REQUIRED FORMS: FAFSA results, Hinds Community College Scholarship Application, and Work-study Application.
DEADLINE: Priority - April 1.

* Must remain in a minimum of 12 semester hours to retain aid from State Programs.

Policy on Satisfactory Scholastic Progress for Recipients of Federally Funded Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits

Hinds Community College is required by federal regulations to establish minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to determine a student‘s eligibility for the following Title IV Federal Financial Aid programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant (PELL)
  • William D. Ford Direct Loan Program (SUB & UNSUB)
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Parent Plus Loan (PLUS)
  • Federal College Work-Study (FWS)
  • Veterans’ Benefits (VA)

To receive and maintain federal financial assistance, a student must make satisfactory progress toward the competition of an eligible academic, technical, or career program of study. The following policies are in compliance with federal guidelines for Satisfactory Academic Progress:

To Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student must meet the following conditions:

  1. A student must pass 2/3 of cumulative semester hours attempted . This includes withdrawn and repeated class hours.  
  2. A student must also maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) based on total hours attempted as outlined in the chart below:
Cumulative Semester Hours Attempted (including W’s and repeated courses) 1-18 19-36 37-96
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average 1.75 1.85 2.0
  1. Status Review and Notification:
    At the end of each semester including summer, the Office of Financial Aid will notify in writing a student who fails to meet the above conditions that they are on financial aid warning status.  A student placed on financial aid warning will be able to receive financial aid. The written notice will serve as notice to a student that failure to meet the above conditions during the warning semesters will result in an unsatisfactory financial aid status.  A student placed on financial aid unsatisfactory progress (suspension) will be unable to receive financial aid. A student may re-establish his/her eligibility to receive financial aid by attending school, paying his/her own fees without Federal Financial Aid and meeting conditions 1 and 2 above.
  1. Withdrawals, Repeated, Remedial, Non-Credit, and Incomplete Courses:
    • “W’s” will be counted in evaluating the number of semester hours attempted for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive financial aid, but “W’s” will not be counted in evaluating the number of semester hours attempted for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive Veteran’s benefits. “W’s” will not be used in calculating a student’s grade point average (GPA).
    • A student will be allowed to repeat a course according to the policies stated in the College Catalog; however, all repeated courses will be included in total hours attempted for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive financial aid/veterans’ benefits.
    • Semester hours for remedial/developmental courses will be recorded as hours attempted, but non-credit courses will not be counted in hours attempted.
    • An incomplete (I) grade will have the same effect as a failing (F) grade when calculating quality points and hours attempted.
  1. Time Frame:
    Students attempting 150% of the hours in a program are no longer eligible for financial aid in that program. 
  1. Transfer Students:
    A student transferring to Hinds Community College from another college shall be assumed to have maintained satisfactory academic progress at his/her previous college. Hours transferred from previously attended colleges, and accepted towards the student’s program,  will be posted to the student’s transcript by the Office of Admissions and Records by the end of the student’s first semester at Hinds. Credit hours transferred from a previous college will be counted toward the attempted and completed hours.
  1. Unsatisfactory Status Appeals Process:
    In extenuating circumstances such as personal illness or illness/death of an immediate family or legal guardian, a student may appeal an unsatisfactory financial aid/veterans’ status by filing a written Letter of Appeal Form through the District Dean of Student’s Office. An appeal must contain the following information: 

  • A written plan for success listing required courses to take.  This information may be found through My.Hindscc.edu,  at http://www.hindscc.edu/Admissions/get_enrolled/programs_of_study/transfer/default.aspx, program listings in this catalog, a transfer or articulation guide, or a Hinds counselor.
  • A written explanation stating the reason the student failed to have satisfactory scholastic progress in any semesters in which the student earned D’s, F’s, I’s or withdrawals.
  • Documentation for any extenuating circumstances listed in the appeal. (letter from medical doctor or legal document)
  • An explanation of what has changed in the student’s circumstances that will allow them to succeed. 
 Each appeal will be considered on its own merit.  The Financial Aid/Veteran’s Appeals Committee chaired by the District Dean of Students will review the appeal and respond to the student within 30 working days.  Appeals are limited to one per student except in extreme extenuating circumstances.  Appeals will be granted for one semester only and the student will be reviewed for satisfactory academic progress before being granted financial aid for additional semesters. 


Veterans Affairs

The Office of Veterans Affairs is available to assist all eligible veterans and dependents in making application for benefits. Academic, technical, and career courses are open (unless otherwise specified in program description) to students in either of the above categories. Every effort is made to facilitate admission into the student’s choice of programs.

Applications for the Montgomery G.I. Bill may be initiated in the Financial Aid Office on the Raymond Campus. For additional information call 601.857.3226 or 1-800-HINDS CC.


Students who plan to receive veterans benefits must satisfy the college‘s admission requirements as outlined in the Admission Requirements section of this catalog BEFORE being certified to the Veterans Administration Regional Office. In addition, ALL transcripts from schools previously attended must be furnished in order to comply with the Regulations of the Department of Veterans Benefits.

Changing of Programs

Students receiving veterans benefits must at all times have a definite program of study declared with the Office of Veterans Affairs and be enrolled in courses leading to completion of the designated program.


All veterans benefits recipients are required to see a college counselor to plan their course of study prior to the beginning of each enrollment period.

Each student must have a signed Veterans Benefits Recipient Program Planning Sheet from his/her counselor for EACH enrollment period. The student must also sign the Program Planning Sheet acknowledging the courses recommended by the counselor.

Credit for Service Training

Educational work done by veterans while in active service is evaluated and credit given when possible. The recommendation of the American Council on Education in its handbook, Guide To The Evaluation Of Educational Experiences In the Armed Services, is used as a guide for the evaluation of all military credit.

Probation and Suspension

Students receiving veteran‘s benefits are expected to maintain the same standards of satisfactory progress as all other students receiving financial aid. See Policy on Satisfactory Scholastic Progress for Recipients of Federally Funded Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits in this section of the catalog.

Exceptions from the Policy on Satisfactory Scholastic Progress for Recipients of Federally Funded Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits are as follows:

“W”s will not be used in calculating the number of semester hours attempted for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive veterans benefits.

Veterans benefits recipients may attempt additional hours beyond the 90 semester hours allowed in the policy without completing a degree, as long as they file a Change of Program form with the Office of Veterans Affairs and are maintaining satisfactory scholastic progress.

Veterans benefits recipients may pursue the allotted number of degrees as outlined by the Veterans Administration.

NOTE: Policies stated for veterans comply with regulations 14253, 14277, 14278, Department of Veterans Benefits.

Changing Enrollment Status

Students receiving veterans benefits may not drop any course or stop attending any class without prior approval of the Office of Veterans Affairs and without executing formal drop/withdrawal procedures as outlined in this catalog. Students who fail to comply with this regulation will be liable for repayment of any resulting over payments. (See policy below concerning over payments.)

VA Policy Regarding Over payments

Student Actions That Result in Over payments

  1. Withdrawing from a course or school.
  2. Receiving a grade which does not count toward your graduation requirements.
  3. Failure to have an incomplete grade changed to a grade which counts toward your graduation requirements.

VA Actions Once an Overpayment is Created

  1. Add interest charges and collection fees to your debt.
  2.  Withhold future benefits and apply them to your debt.
  3. Turn your debt over to a private collection agency.
  4. File suit in federal court to collect your debt.
  5.  Withhold approval of your VA home loan guarantee.
  6. Collect the debt from your federal income tax refund.

Explanation of Mitigating Circumstances

The law requires that the VA must collect all benefits paid to a beneficiary for a course for which the grade assigned is not used in computing the requirements for graduation including a course from which the beneficiary withdraws, unless there are mitigating circumstances.

This means if you drop a course, unless you can show the VA that there are mitigating circumstances, you must return all the money paid to you for pursuit of that course from the start of the term, not merely from the date you dropped the course.

Examples of acceptable mitigating circumstances are prolonged illness, severe illness or death in your immediate family and unscheduled changes in your employment or work schedule.

Examples of unacceptable mitigating circumstances include withdrawal to avoid a failing grade, dislike of instructor and too many courses attempted.

NOTE: Student is required to submit evidence to support reasons before he/she can be accepted by the VA.


Hinds Community College Scholarships

ACT SCHOLARSHIPS (ACT Scholarships are awarded through the Financial Aid Office.)
All locations Eligibility: ACT Scholarships are awarded to Mississippi residents who score a 21 or higher on the ACT. These individuals must be first time entering full time (12 or more semester hours) freshman. Students who have attended summer school prior to their freshman year and/or have participated in dual enrollment classes while in high school are still eligible for an ACT scholarship. ACT scholarships will be awarded as ACT scores and admission applications are received. ACT scholarships can be retained for four semesters if the student maintains full-time status (successfully completing 12 or more hours) and a 3.0 or better overall grade point average. Scholarship awards cannot be changed by a test taken after the first day of class of the enrolled semester. It is the student‘s responsibility to make sure the institution receives their ACT profile. Any student on an ACT scholarship who fails to attend Hinds Community College in consecutive fall/spring semesters or who drops below full-time status will forfeit his/her scholarship and will not be eligible for an ACT scholarship in the future. Any student on an ACT scholarship who does not maintain the required cumulative grade point average will forfeit the scholarship. There is no probationary period and the student will not be eligible for an ACT scholarship in the future. Any student who ceases to attend classes and fails to withdraw officially will forfeit his/her scholarship. The student will not be eligible for an ACT scholarship in the future. Award categories are as follows:
PRESIDENTIAL Full tuition, room and meal ticket for a dormitory student awarded for ACT scores of 29 or above. Commuter recipients will receive tuition plus a $250 book voucher at any Hinds Community College bookstore each semester.
Full tuition scholarships awarded for ACT scores of 25-28.
One-half tuition scholarships awarded for ACT scores of 21-24.
All locations
The GED Tuition Award and Scholarship are for first-time college students who are Mississippi residents and are at least 18 years old. The GED Tuition Award allows a new Hinds student with a GED (General Education Development certificate), to take one three-hour class at any of the six Hinds locations free of charge. The GED Scholarship will cover the cost of tuition for a half-time student who is taking at least six hours or a half-tuition scholarship for a full-time student if the student has made 577 or higher on the GED test. The scholarship covers tuition only and is renewable for a total of four semesters if the student maintains a 2.5 grade point average. A student may not receive both the ACT Scholarship and GED Scholarship/GED Tuition Award. No GED Tuition Award or GED Scholarship will be made after the first scheduled full day of classes. Students must submit an application for the GED Tuition Award or GED Scholarship to the Office of Admissions with their Application for Admission.
All locations
Applicants must be enrolled in 4 or more semester hours, 4 of which must be in honors studies.  Award is contingent upon Honors Program Application and interview with the Honors Institute Dean. Scholarship recipients must maintain a 3.0 grade point average.
Applicants must be enrolled in 12 or more semester hours, 1- 3 of which must be in leadership studies. Award is contingent upon Leadership Program Application,  interview with the Honors Institute Dean, and successful completion of the class. Scholarship recipients must maintain full-time student status and a 3.0 grade point average.
Raymond Campus
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Utica Campus
(Men & Women)
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Utica Campus; call 601.885.6062 or 601.354.2327 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus. Call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
(Men & Women)
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
(Men & Women)
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
Amount of award varies with qualifications. Student must meet eligibility rules of the National and Mississippi Junior College Athletic Association. Selections are made by the coach based on scouting observations and/or performance at annual tryouts. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus; call 601.857.3325 for information. Deadline - Varies.
Raymond Campus
Tuition scholarships awarded to those selected to cheer. Contact the Athletic Department on the Raymond Campus, 601.857.3325.
Raymond Campus
Scholarships awarded to those selected during the annual tryouts. Contact the Hi-Stepper Director, 601.857.3346.
Raymond Campus
Utica Campus
In fall and spring tuition, room and board scholarships awarded to student leaders selected to serve, lead by example and exhibit model behavior to help students become successful. Contact the Coordinator of Residence Life, 601.857.3222 or 601.885.7177.
Raymond Campus
Tuition scholarships. Must be a full-time student majoring in music; selection is based on auditions. Required forms - Music Application available through the Music Department, 601.857.3271. Deadline - August 1.
Raymond Campus
One-half tuition scholarship for 1st and 2nd semester band participants, full tuition scholarships for 3rd and 4th semester band participants. Extra service scholarships are available including stage band. Must be a participant in the band. Required forms- Band Application. Call 601.857.3273 for information. Deadline - Varies.

Hinds Community College Foundation Scholarships

Foundation Scholarships are awarded for fall and spring semesters only. The scholarships awarded are based on classroom excellence, involvement in extracurricular activities, financial need, desire for achievement, and letters of recommendation. Criteria vary per scholarship. In addition to the scholarships listed below, there are many other scholarships offered through the Hinds Community College  Foundation that vary from year to year.

To be considered for any scholarship awarded through the Foundation, a student does not have to apply for a particular scholarship. All completed applications that are submitted by the deadline will be considered for any scholarships that are applicable to that particular student. Deadline to apply is March 1. Awards are generally made sometime in April or May.

Required forms: Application for  Foundation Scholarships which includes list of achievements, and summary of why the student feels he or she should be considered for a scholarship including any financial need, high school and/or college transcripts, three recommendations, and a copy of ACT scores. (Application and recommendation forms are available on the college’s website at http://www.hindscc.edu/alumni_community/scholarhships.aspx). Students wishing to be considered for scholarships on the basis of financial need, should have the results of their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) sent to Hinds prior to the March 1 deadline. Submit all items to the Enrollment Services Office. For information, call 1.601.857.3767. Deadline: March 1.

(Unless otherwise indicated, scholarships are awarded to full-time students. Minimum grade point average varies but no scholarship is awarded with less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA.)

Please Note:

  1. Foundation Scholarships differ in value. The scholarships may differ in value from year to year.
  2. A student receiving a Foundation Scholarship designated for a certain major or location will forfeit that scholarship if he/she changes majors or locations.
  3. Foundation Scholarship recipients must attend the Scholarship Recognition Program. Failure to attend will result in forfeiting the scholarship, unless prior approval is granted by the Chairperson of the District Scholarship Committee.
  4. Most  Foundation Scholarships require a 2.5 grade point average in order to retain the scholarship the next semester. However, some scholarships are awarded only by semester, and some require different grade point averages.
  5. Foundation Scholarships are not credited to a student’s account until he/she has returned the signed acceptance form and a thank-you letter for the sponsor(s).  Any scholarship student who fails to accept his/her Foundation scholarship, in writing, by the deadline established in his/her award letter will forfeit the scholarship.

Foundation Board of Directors Scholarships

A. A. Alexander Scholarship
G. J. Cain Scholarship

A. L. and Katherine Denton Scholarship 
Mildred Herrin Scholarship
William H. Holtzclaw Scholarship 
Rev. B. E. Lewis Scholarship 
Grady Sheffield Scholarship 
Jimmy Smith Scholarship

Foundation Endowed Scholarships

Mary Orr Adams Garden Club of Jackson Scholarship 
Ben Adkins Memorial Scholarship 
Oscar Richard and Edith Wetzel Ainsworth Scholarship 
Bobbie B. Anderson Nursing Scholarship 
Ann Sanders Arnold Scholarship 
Douglas F. Arnold Math Scholarship 
Carl Ashby, Jr. Memorial Scholarship 
AT&T Scholarship
James R. Baddley Scholarship 
Susan Ballard Memorial Scholarship 
Dr. George & Doris Barnes Scholarship 
David Barton Scholarship 
Anna Cowden Bee Scholarship 
Emma F. Beemon Mathematics Scholarship 
T.T. Beemon Biology Scholarship 
Joe Boardman Scholarship 
Ralph and Peggy Brewer Scholarship 
William A. and Doree Browne Scholarship
Dorothy Brownlee Speech and Drama Scholarship 
William H. Buckner Auto Mechanics Scholarship
Bo Byrnes Memorial Scholarship 
Marie McKay Campbell Scholarship
Marian Pickett Carmichael Scholarship
Ruth Roberts Carter Scholarship 
Centennial Scholarship
Mark J. Chaney Family Scholarship
L.K. and Avis Clark Family Scholarship 
Wes Cliburn Memorial Scholarship 
Kay Cliffe Memorial Scholarship  
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Cochran Scholarship
Bill Cole Memorial Scholarship 
Combat Veterans Scholarship 
Ken Coomes Scholarship
Cooper Industries Scholarship 
Eddie Cooper Memorial Scholarship 
Dr. Bobby G. Cooper Music Scholarship
Dennis D. and Leola K. Cowart Scholarship 

Clair Meeks Cranford Scholarship
Billy Joe and Robbie Cross Scholarship
H. H. Davis Memorial Scholarship
Bill Derden Memorial Scholarship
Roy Kathryn Duncan Scholarship 
Excellence in Career/Technical Education Scholarship 
A. P. and T. B. Fatherree Scholarship 
Nona Gillis Fortenberry Business Technology Scholarship 
D. G. “Sonny” Fountain Scholarship
Gaddis and McLaurin, Inc. Scholarship  
Len Garvey Memorial Scholarship 
Lilian Gladish Gibbes Scholarship
Walter H. Gibbes Scholarship 
Marianna Stokes Gore Scholarship
John P. and Virginia Green Scholarship 
Green Industry Scholarship 
Charlie Griffin Memorial Scholarship 
Anne C. Hardy Memorial Scholarship
Jane Pickett and Robert C. Harrell Scholarship 
Coach Jobie and Jim El Byrd Harris Scholarship 
John L. Heiden Scholarship
Heritage Scholarship 

Mildred Laminda Herrin Scholarship 
M.F. and Dorothy Herring Scholarship 
Dan and Barbara Hogan Scholarship 
Robert Wallace Hollingsworth Family Scholarship
William Henry Holtzclaw Scholarship
Warren A. Hood Scholarship 
Charlie Horton and Joe Smith Scholarship
Freddie Jean Cannon Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Adam and Margaree Jenkins Scholarship 
Charles C. Jones Technical Scholarship
Fay Jordan Scholarship
C. Leonard and Jane Woods Katzenmeyer Scholarship
Doris and Tom Kelly Scholarship
Ruth Kelly Home Builders Auxiliary Scholarship 

H. R. Kilby, Sr. Scholarship 
Dean and Rebecca Legg Liles Scholarship 
Jimmy L. and Grace Pickett Long Scholarship
A.J. Mangum Family Scholarship 
Carlo and Cathy Martella Scholarship

Dr. Robert and Lee Mayo Scholarship 
Carla McCulloch Memorial Scholarship 
J.C. “Sonny” McDonald Memorial Scholarship 
George M. McLendon Scholarship 
Alden McNair Scholarship
Merchants & Planters Bank Scholarship
Robert Miley Scholarship
Mississippi Association of Petroleum Landmen Scholarship 

Claribel Hunt Moncure Memorial Scholarship
William M. Moss Scholarship 

Jeanie Muse Memorial Scholarship 
Dr. Vernon Clyde Muse Scholarship 
Vashti Underwood Muse Scholarship 
Scott Nelson Scholarship 
Fred and Margie Oakes Scholarship 
Harry Partin Scholarship 
Yoseph Patel Scholarship 
Vito Daniel Patti Memorial Scholarship 
John and Marie Pervangher Scholarship 
F. N. and Eva Pickett Scholarship 
Frances E. Pickett Scholarship 
Dr. Nell Ann Pickett Scholarship 
PLANET Student Career Days Scholarship  
Michael J. and Polly H. Rabalais Scholarship 
Rankin County Alumni Chapter Scholarship 
Aaron M. Rankin Memorial Scholarship 
Raymond Campus Career and Technical Education Scholarship 
James Leslie Reeves, Sr. Memorial Vocal Scholarship 
Joe A. Renfroe Memorial Scholarship 
Troy Arlis Ricks Scholarship
Marvin A. and Virginia Mayfield Riggs Scholarship 
Clarence and Lura Scales Scholarship
Elizabeth Lloyd Schales Scholarship 
Eugene G. Schubert Memorial Scholarship 

Florence Sherard Memorial Scholarship 
Ken Smith Memorial Scholarship 
Lurline Stewart Memorial Scholarship 
Robert C. Stewart Memorial Scholarship
Travis and Elizabeth Stewart Nursing Scholarship 
Street Medical Foundation Scholarship
C. V. Sullivan Scholarship
A.F. Summer Scholarship 
Toby and Nancy Tenhet Scholarship 
Jessie McLendon Thrash Scholarship 
Trustmark Rankin Division 
Ellestene Pilate Turner Scholarship 
Lora M. Underwood Memorial Scholarship 
Utica Junior College National Alumni Association Scholarship 
Vicksburg Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship 
Warren County Alumni Chapter Scholarship 
John Bell Williams Scholarship 
Liles and Ruth Ann Williams Scholarship 
Wiman Family Scholarship 
Thomas M. Wiman Scholarship
Carroll E. “Buddy” and Grace Clark Woods Scholarship 
Ed, Mattie, and Douglas Woolley Scholarship

Hinds Community College Scholarship Policies:

  1. Any student on a scholarship who fails to attend Hinds Community College in consecutive fall/spring semesters or drops below required enrollment status will forfeit his/her scholarship.
  2. Any student on scholarship who does not maintain the required cumulative grade point average will forfeit the scholarship. There is no probationary semester.
  3. The award of a scholarship cannot exceed the allowable cost of attendance assessed by the College.
  4. Scholarship awards will be credited to a student’s account. Only in special circumstances will a check be made directly to the student.
  5. Any student expelled from school because of a disciplinary reason will forfeit his/her scholarship and will not be eligible for another scholarship.
  6. Students on the Cooperative Job Program must get special permission to continue their scholarship when they are working alternate semesters.
  7. Scholarship awards are tuition based and do not include the following:
    1. Registration fee
    2. Any charges related to summer school (tuition, room, or board, etc.)
    3. Parking decals
    4. Yearbook
    5. Late fees
    6. Lab fees
    7. Distance Learning fees
  8. Any student who ceases to attend classes and fails to withdraw officially will forfeit his/her scholarship.
  9. Any student officially withdrawing from school will not be required to pay back any tuition portion of his/her scholarship. However, if he/she is receiving any scholarship monies on his/her housing or meals, the scholarship account will be reimbursed any remaining portion of those fees. The student will not receive any refund of scholarship monies. A scholarship student must clear with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing officially.
  10. A student officially withdrawing from school will not be granted a scholarship for another semester unless approved by the District Scholarship Committee.
  11. A student may receive a scholarship for a maximum of four semesters.
  12. Repeating courses cannot change forfeiture status retroactively.
  13. The District Scholarship Committee will review any special circumstances brought before them. A student desiring a special waiver should submit the request in writing along with proper documentation (doctor‘s excuse, transcript, instructor‘s letter, etc.) to the Chairperson of the District Scholarship Committee within 30 days of the date of the scholarship loss or forfeiture.
  14. Only the District Scholarship Committee, with the approval of the President of the College, can make any changes in these policies.
  15.  Scholarships cannot be credited to a student‘s account until the student has met all admission requirements.
  16. Scholarships, as well as any type financial aid, are not credited to a student‘s account until 10 days prior to the first day of classes for the semester that the scholarship is awarded.