Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2016-2017 Catalog Program: Drafting and Design Technology - Land Surveying Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Drafting and Design Technology - Land Surveying


Program Description:

This program prepares a person for careers in the land-surveying field such as a Professional Land Surveyor, CAD Technician or Survey Technician. Emphasis is placed on the use of modern survey equipment, drafting software, the fundamentals and the principles of land surveying. Students who complete this program are eligible to pursue a Professional Surveyor License in the State of Mississippi.

This program will also prepare a student for the Certified Survey Technician (CST) program sponsored by The National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).

A grade of “C” or above is required in each course listed in the curriculum. Failure to maintain a “C” in each of the courses will require the student to repeat the course to meet graduation requirements as well as requirements set by the Mississippi State Board of Registration to Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.

Students seeking admission to this program must meet one of the following minimum assessment scores: ACT®- Reading 16; Math 17; and English 17 or Compass®-  Reading, 72; Pre-Algebra, 48; and Writing/Language, 71; or ACCUPLACER- Reading Comprehension, 70; Arithmetic, 63; and Sentence Structure, 88OR by approval of program chairperson.

Campus Location:

Raymond - 601.857.3419

Career Certificate


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
DDT 1113 - Fundamentals of Drafting 3 SH
DDT 1313 - Principles of Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 3 SH
DDT 1323 - Intermediate Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 3 SH
DDT 1413 - Elementary Surveying 3 SH
DDT 2423 - Mapping and Topography 3 SH
DDT 2433 - Legal Principles of Surveying 3 SH
DDT 2443 - Advanced Surveying 3 SH
LET 2453 - Real Property I 3 SH
MAT 1313 - College Algebra 3 SH
MAT 1323 - Trigonometry 3 SH

**Completion Award: Career Certificate in Drafting and Design Technology - Land Surveying 30 SH

Technical Certificate


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
GIT 2123 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information System 3 SH
ENG 1113 - English Composition I 3 SH
PHY 2414 - General Physics I 4 SH
SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I 3 SH


SPT 2173 - Interpersonal Communication 3 SH
MAT 1613 - Calculus I 3 SH


MAT 2323 - Statistics 3 SH

**Completion Award: Technical Certificate in Drafting and Design Technology - Land Surveying 46 SH

Associate of Applied Science


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
DDT 2533 - Highway Drafting 3 SH
ENG 1123 - English Composition II 3 SH
PHY 2424 - General Physics II 4 SH
  • Social/Behavioral Science Elective  3 SH
  • Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 SH
  • **Completion Award: Associate of Applied Science in Drafting and Design Technology - Land Surveying 62 SH

    **Additional Graduation Requirements: Any student (first-time, transfer, and part-time) who begins at Hinds Fall 2007 and later will be required to take Orientation (LLS 1312/RST 1312) to graduate from the College. Exception: Orientation credit (1-3 hrs) transferred to Hinds from another college will satisfy our orientation requirement.

    An Assessment Prep review course(s) and Skills Assessment exam(s) are required to graduate from this program.
