Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog Program: Diesel Equipment Technology Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Diesel Equipment Technology


Program Description:

The Diesel Equipment Technology Program is an instructional program that provides students with competencies required to maintain and repair a variety of industrial diesel equipment, including agricultural tractors, commercial trucks, and construction equipment. The program includes instruction in inspection, repair, and maintenance of engines, power trains, hydraulic systems, and other components. 

The program offers an accelerated transition pathway of a career certificate at 30 semester credit hours, a technical certificate at 45 semester credit hours for transportation (medium to heavy trucks) option, a technical certificate at 44 semester credit hours for a heavy equipment option, and an Associate of Applied Science degree at 59-62 semester credit hours.

The curriculum utilizes both the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) 2014 Medium/Heavy Truck standards and the 2014 Standards for Construction Equipment Technology (AED).  These documents serve as national standards for certification of medium/heavy truck and construction equipment technician programs.

Campus Location:

Raymond - 601.857.3478 or 601.857.3248

Career Certificate


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
DET 1114 - Fundamentals of Equipment Mechanics 4
DET 1223 - Electrical/Electronic Systems I 3
DET 1264 - Electrical/Electronic Systems II 4
DET 1363 - Diesel Systems I 3
DET 1373 - Diesel Systems II 3
DET 1514 - Hydraulics I 4
DET 1613 - Preventive Maintenance and Service 3
DET 1814 - Air Conditioning and Heating Systems 4
DET 2112 - Welding for Diesel Equipment Technology 2


DET 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Diesel Equipment Technology 3

**Completion Award: Career Certificate in Diesel Equipment Technology 30 SH


Technical Certificate - Transportation Option

Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
DET 1713 - Transportation Power Train 3
DET 2253 - Steering and Suspension Systems 3
DET 2273 - Electrical/Electronic Systems III 3
DET 2383 - Diesel Systems III 3
DET 2623 - Advanced Brake Systems (Air) 3

**Completion Award: Technical Certificate in Diesel Equipment Technology 45 SH


Technical Certificate - Heavy Equipment Option

Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
DET 2273 - Electrical/Electronic Systems III 3
DET 2383 - Diesel Systems III 3
DET 2514 - Hydraulics/Hydrostats II 4
DET 2524 - Heavy Equipment Power Train 4

**Completion Award: Technical Certificate in Diesel Equipment Technology 44 SH

Associate of Applied Science

Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 1033 - Technical English OR  ENG 1113 - English Composition I / ENG 1114 - English Composition I 3-4 SH 3
SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I OR  SPT 2173 - Interpersonal Communication 3 SH 3
  • Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 SH
  • Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 SH
  • Mathematics/Science Elective 3-4 SH 
  • ( MAT 1033 - Technical Mathematics OR  MAT 1313 - College Algebra / MAT 1314 - College Algebra or higher OR  any Laboratory Science)

    **Completion Award: Associate of Applied Science in Diesel Equipment Technology 59-62 SH

    **Additional Graduation Requirements:

    • Orientation - Any student (first-time, transfer, and part-time) who begins at Hinds Fall 2007 and later will be required to take Orientation (LLS 1312/RST 1312) to graduate from the College. Exception: Orientation credit (1-3 hrs) transferred to Hinds from another college will satisfy our orientation requirement. The RST/LLS 1312 graduation requirement will be waived for CTE students who have successfully obtained the Smart Start Credential and can submit the credential prior to applying for graduation.