Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog Program: Welding and Cutting Technology Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Welding and Cutting Technology


Program Description:

The Welding and Cutting Technology program prepares students for entry-level employment in the field of welding and cutting. The curriculum includes Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW), Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC), Carbon Arc Cutting, Oxyfuel Cutting, and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW).  Electives are available in advanced levels of welding and cutting.

Campus Locations:

Jackson - 601.987.8162 • Rankin - 601.936.1851 • Raymond - 601.857.3287 • Utica - 601.885.7009 • Vicksburg - 601.629.6881

Career Certificate


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
WLT 1115 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding I (SMAW) 5
WLT 1124 - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 4
WLT 1135 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 5
WLT 1143 - Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 3
WLT 1173 - Introduction to Welding and Safety 3
WLT 1225 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding II (SMAW) 5
WLT 1232 - Blueprint Reading, Welding and Metallurgy 2
WLT 1313 - Cutting Processes 3
WLT 1911 - Special Problems in Welding and Cutting Technology 1

**Completion Award: Career Certificate in Welding and Cutting Technology 30 SH

Technical Certificate


Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
WLT 1155 - Pipe Welding 5
WLT 2812 - Welding Metallurgy  OR 2
WLT 1252 - Advanced Pipe Welding  OR 2
WLT 2913 - Welding Code 3
  • *Instructor Approved Technical Electives  8 SH
  • **Completion Award: Technical Certificate in Welding and Cutting Technology 45 SH

    Associate of Applied Science

    Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENG 1033 - Technical English OR  ENG 1113 - English Composition I / ENG 1114 - English Composition I 3-4 SH 3
    SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I OR  SPT 2173 - Interpersonal Communication 3 SH 3
  • Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 SH
  • Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 SH
  • Mathematics/Science Elective 3-4 SH 
  • ( MAT 1033 - Technical Mathematics OR  MAT 1313 - College Algebra / MAT 1314 - College Algebra or higher OR  any Laboratory Science)

    **Completion Award: Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Education 60-62 SH

    **Additional Graduation Requirements:

    • Orientation - Any student (first-time, transfer, and part-time) who begins at Hinds Fall 2007 and later will be required to take Orientation (LLS 1312/RST 1312) to graduate from the College. Exception: Orientation credit (1-3 hrs) transferred to Hinds from another college will satisfy our orientation requirement. The RST/LLS 1312 graduation requirement will be waived for CTE students who have successfully obtained the Smart Start Credential and can submit the credential prior to applying for graduation.
    • Assessment - An Assessment Prep review course(s) and Skills Assessment exam(s) are required to graduate from this program.

    *Instructor Approved Technical Elective Courses

    Course NameSemester HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    WLT 1162 - Gas Metal Arc Aluminum Welding 2
    WLT 1426 - Basic Fabrication for Pipefitting 6
    WLT 1914 - Special Problem in Welding and Cutting Technology 4
    WLT 1922 - Supervised Work Experience 2
    WLT 2514 - Fundamentals of Robotic Welding 4
    WLT 2524 - Advanced Robotic Welding 4
    WLT 2812 - Welding Metallurgy 2
    WLT 2913 - Welding Code 3
    WLT 2924 - Heavy Equipment Welding and Fabrication 4
    WLT 2936 - Structural Fabrication 6
    IMM 1935 - Manufacturing Skills Basic 5
    WBL 1913 - Work-Based Learning I 3
    WBL 1922 - Work-Based Learning II 2
    WBL 1923 - Work-Based Learning II 3
    WBL 1924 - Work-Based Learning II 4
    WBL 1911 - Work-Based Learning I 1
    WBL 1912 - Work-Based Learning I 2
    WBL 1914 - Work-Based Learning I 4
    WBL 1921 - Work-Based Learning II 1