Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ACC 1113 - Secretarial Accounting

    3 SH
    Fundamentals of accounting and their application to various types of business as to ownership, organization, and functions. Accounting 1113 includes the full accounting cycle for double-entry accounting. The major purpose is to provide a basic accounting knowledge for prospective office workers. (3 hr lecture)
  • ACC 1213 - Principles of Accounting I

    3 SH
    A study of the financial accounting principles that relate to business. The topics to be covered include the accounting cycle,accounting systems and controls for service and merchandising businesses, assets, liabilities, and equity. (3 hr lecture)
  • ACC 1223 - Principles of Accounting II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ACC 1213 ) A continuation of ACC 1213 . The topics to be covered include corporate accounting concepts, managerial accounting concepts and internal business decision making. (3 hr lecture)
  • ACC 2113 - Introduction to Financial Accounting

    3 SH
    Designed to give a basic understanding of the financial accounting process. Emphasis is placed on recording, summarizing, reporting and interpreting economic data. Prerequisite is not required. Course is design for transfer to universities not requiring Principles of Accounting I & II. (3 hr lecture)

Agribusiness Management Technology

  • AGT 1111 - Survey of Agricultural Technology

    1 SH
    A course to provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge, practice, and study in agricultural technology. Includes lectures and seminars on current agricultural topics including government programs and policies, current technological trends and practices, international agriculture, agricultural employment opportunities, etc. (1 hr lecture)
  • AGT 1214 - Applied Principles of Animal Production

    4 SH
    A course to provide students with basic principles related to the production of farm animals. Includes instruction in the basic production cycle, breeding, nutrition, and health of beef and dairy cattle, hogs, poultry, and catfish. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1313 - Applied Principles of Plant Production

    3 SH
    A course to provide information related to the growth, nutrition, and general culture of agricultural and horticultural crops. Includes instruction on photosynthesis and transpiration, plant nutrition, pest control, and reproduction. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1413 - Principles of Agricultural Management

    3 SH
    A course which provides instruction in organization and structure of agricultural businesses, decision making and the planning process for farming operations. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1513 - Principles of Agricultural Marketing

    3 SH
    An introduction to general principles of marketing agricultural products. Includes instruction in general marketing practices and the use of future contracts. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1613 - Agricultural Records

    3 SH
    An introduction to agricultural record keeping techniques including single entry accounting methods, field and enterprise records, and budgeting. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGT 1714 - Applied Soils Conservation and Use

    4 SH
    A course to introduce the student to the general principles of soil conservation and safe use. Includes instruction in the soil formation process, properties of soils, soil texture, and soil management for optimum safe use. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 1813 - Judging Fitting Grooming

    3 SH
    Provides information and practice on fitting, grooming and judging livestock & Products. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2113 - Agricultural Structures

    3 SH
    A study of new technology for designing and maintaining facilities for use in agribusiness/agriculture applications. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AGT 2114 - Supervised Agricultural Experience

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing) This course provides work experience in an agricultural business under the direction of the employer and instructor. (1 hr lecture, 8 hr SWE)
  • AGT 2163 - Special Problem in Agricultural Business Management

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing) A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Agricultural Business and Management courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • AGT 2213 - Agricultural Sales

    3 SH
    A course in the advertising, sales, and promotion of agricultural supplies and services. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2263 - Applied Agricultural Economics

    3 SH
    A course to introduce the student to economic principles as applied to agribusiness operations.  (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2313 - Human Relations in Agribusiness

    3 SH
    A course to study human relations as related to agricultural occupations. Includes instruction on topics such as morale, burnout, stress, work habits, and communications. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2613 - Forage & Pasture Crops

    3 SH
    A comprehensive course in the production and management of forage and pasture crops. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2663 - Applied Animal Nutrition

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 1214 ) A comprehensive course of study on the practical principles and applications of nutrition. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2713 - Beef Production I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 1214 ) A course to provide knowledge and practice in the area of beef production. Includes instruction in animal breeding and nutrition and livestock handling practices. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2723 - Beef Production II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: AGT 2713 ) A continuation of Beef Production I with emphasis on management, herd health, and marketing. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGT 2863 - Horse Production

    3 SH
    A comprehensive course in the production and management of horses. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)


  • AGR 1111 - Survey of Agriculture

    1 SH
    A study of the overall function, organization and operation of the agricultural industry in the United States and the world. (1 hr lecture)
  • AGR 1214 - Animal Science

    4 SH
    Origin, history, characteristics, market classes, and grades of the major breeds of farm animals and poultry. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 1313 - Plant Science

    3 SH
    Introductory course in plant life found on the farm. Special emphasis on structure of plants, plant growth, plant improvement, types of propagation, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 1413 - Farm Machinery

    3 SH
    Proper care, principles of operation, adjustments, and repair of the different types of farm machinery; the proper selection of farm machinery; the selection and use of machines for the various soil types. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 1521 - Forest Resources Survey

    1 SH
    A survey of the professional resource manager‘s role and career opportunities in providing forest-based goods and services. (1 hr lecture)
  • AGR 1812 - Western Equitation

    2 SH
    Principles of horsemanship, management, and training of western pleasure horses. (2 hr lecture)
  • AGR 2223 - Feeds and Feeding

    3 SH
    Digestion and assimilation of the nutrients fed to the various kinds of farm livestock, balance methods of a ration, and recommendation for preparing and feeding livestock the year round. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 2253 - Livestock Judging

    3 SH
    Scoring of individual and judging of represented groups of livestock from the standpoint of the breeder and the market. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AGR 2314 - Basic Soils

    4 SH
    Study of the foundation of soils, analysis of soils, correction of soil problems, the study of composition and application of fertilizers. (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AGR 2333 - Soil Management and Conservation

    3 SH
    A study of soil management and conservation in relation to the needs of Mississippi agriculture. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGR 2343 - Forest Measurements

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: BAD 2323 ) Principles of measurement of standing and felled trees. Inventory and sampling theory for forested lands. (3 hr lecture)
  • AGR 2713 - Principles of Agriculture Economics

    3 SH
    General course in the basic principles of economics and their application to agriculture. Special emphasis on economic problems of agriculture. American economic development, production and business organization; the law of diminishing returns, some principles of trade and production, farm organization, exchange value and the market price cost of production, price level movement, and the farm problem and the government. (3 hr lecture)

Air Traffic Control Technology

  • AAT 1113 - Introduction to Air Traffic Control

    3 SH
    A survey of the National Airspace System, air traffic control procedures, the control environment, and the airport environment. Includes an observation of an actual control tower and radar operation and provides a preview of air traffic control as a career. (3 hr. lecture)
  • AAT 1123 - Air Traffic Control Systems

    3 SH
    This course provides a basis for Air Traffic Control training. A study of the structure of the air traffic control system and functions, including familiarity with the language of air traffic control, the operating principles of navigational equipment, and federal rules affecting the discipline. (3 hr. lecture)
  • AAT 2114 - Tower Operations and Procedures

    4 SH
    Provides an understanding of the operation of an airport control tower. The student will achieve a workable knowledge of the various components of the tower and positions of operation, the phraseologies, the separation criteria, the flight data process, the equipment, and the rules and procedures for each component. (4 hr. lecture)
  • AAT 2124 - Radar Operations and Procedures

    4 SH
    Provides an understanding of the operation of an approach control facility or en route control facility. The student will achieve a workable knowledge of various components of the facilities and the positions of operation, the phraseologies, the separation criteria, the flight data process, the equipment, and the rules and procedures for each component. (4 hr. lecture)
  • AAT 2236 - Air Traffic Control Applications

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: All Air Traffic Control courses and consent of instructor) This course will allow the student to apply practical knowledge of the various facets of air traffic control that were learned in the prerequisite courses. Includes a review of previously learned materials and the application of air traffic procedures in a simulated environment. (4 hr. lecture,4 hr. lab)


  • ART 1113 - Art Appreciation (Understanding the Visual Arts)

    3 SH
    A simple approach to the understanding of the visual arts (drawing, architecture, sculpture, paintings, graphics, minor and industrial arts) on a conceptual basis. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 1213 - Introductory Art (Art Survey)

    3 SH
    A course designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental elements of design, drawing, and painting and to develop a useful and meaningful vocabulary. The work of prominent artists as well as individual creative work in several different media and approaches will be studied. (3 hr directed lab)
  • ART 1243 - Inventive Crafts

    3 SH
    A survey of art-craft ideas and production methods. Emphasis on creative invention. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 1313 - Drawing I

    3 SH
    Study of basic principles of drawing methods and techniques with emphasis on line, perspective, light and shadow. Perceptual and manipulative exercises using basic drawing materials and techniques. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1323 - Drawing II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1313 ) Drawing with selected media with emphasis on composition in studies using a variety of subjects. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1383 - Beginning Photography

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: None) An introduction to theory, practice and history of black and white photography. Emphasis will be on the 35 mm camera, developing, printing, composition and presentation. ( 1 hr lecture, 5 hr lab)
  • ART 1393 - Advanced Photography

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1383 ) Advanced camera and darkroom techniques with introduction to color slide developing and medium format camera. (1 hr lecture, 5 hr lab)
  • ART 1433 - Design I

    3 SH
    To provide students with an understanding of the elements and principles of design to enable development of an informed intuitive sense as well as a highly informed skills based methodology involving black and white design problems (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1443 - Design II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1433 ) To provide students with an understanding of color theory and application of color so that there begins to be an informed as well as intuitive sense of seeing, mixing, and applying color. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 1453 - Three-Dimensional Design

    3 SH
    To provide students with an understanding of spatial form in three dimensions through the use of applied design elements and principles to studio problems in mixed media.
  • ART 1513 - Computer Art

    3 SH
    An introduction to the theory and practice of using the computer to create art. A study of methods and applications utilizing the computer and selected software applications. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 1811 - Exhibition Class I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor) An introduction to gallery management. Experience in scheduling exhibitions, hanging shows, designing brochures, and planning receptions. (1/2 hr lecture, 1 1/2 hr lab)
  • ART 1821 - Exhibition Class II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Exhibition Class I  and permission of the instructor.) A continuation in the study of gallery management. Further experience in scheduling exhibitions, hanging shows, designing brochures, and planning receptions. (1/2 hr lecture, 1 1/2 hr lab)
  • ART 1913 - Art for Elementary Teachers

    3 SH
    Designed for the needs of the elementary education student. Essentials of public school art; study of development of the children‘s art; experiences with major forms of two-dimensional art problems; experiences with a variety of media. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2333 - Printmaking I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1323 ) An introduction to the stencil, relief and intaglio processes in printmaking. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2353 - Figure Drawing I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1323 ) Drawing from the live model in various media. A study of proportion in the human figure through use of contour, gesture, and modeled drawing. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2363 - Figure Drawing II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 2353 ) Introduction to fluid media. Emphasis on composition and draftsmanship. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2513 - Painting I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 1323 ) Introduction to painting media, materials and techniques. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2523 - Painting II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 2513 ) Advanced problems in different media. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2613 - Ceramics I

    3 SH
    Principles and methods of making pottery by hand using slab, coil, hump mold, clay sculpture and other pottery techniques with an introduction to the potter‘s wheel. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2623 - Ceramics II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: ART 2613 ) Continuation of ART 2613  with emphasis on production by use of the potter‘s wheel. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2633 - Basic Sculpture Techniques I

    3 SH
    Emphasis on modeling clay with introductions to carving and assemblage techniques. (6 hr lecture studio)
  • ART 2713 - Art History I

    3 SH
    Survey course. Prehistoric to Renaissance. Emphasis placed on painting, architecture, and sculpture as related to history. Open to all students. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2723 - Art History II

    3 SH
    Survey course. Renaissance to Twentieth Century. Special emphasis on modern expression in painting, sculpture and architecture. Open to all students. (3 hr lecture)
  • ART 2913 - Special Studio

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Six hours of courses in the area selected for special studio and recommendation by the art faculty) Independent study in an area of special interest. Course designed for the exceptional student. (6 hr studio)

Automotive Machinist

  • AUV 1116 - Fundamentals for Automotive Machinists

    6 SH
    This course includes the study and practice of personal hand tools and shop safety; study and practice of measuring; types of calipers, micrometers, and gauges; types and uses of hand tools, mechanical tools, power, and hydraulic tools, fluids, and coolants; and identification of materials and metals. Included is the development of employment skills useful to the Automotive Machining occupations. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • AUV 1216 - Cylinder Head Service

    6 SH
    This course includes the rebuilding and cleaning of cylinder heads; valve guide reconditioning; valve seat replacing and installation; refacing seats, surfacing cylinder heads, and assembling a cylinder head. (2 hr lecture, 8 hr lab)
  • AUV 1315 - Cylinder Block Service

    5 SH
    This course includes the study of cylinder boring, crankshaft grinding and welding, rod reconditioning, and engine balancing. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AUV 1415 - Engine Assembly and Testing

    5 SH
    This course includes preparation of a block and components for assembly, cam bearings installation, core plugs, seals, cylinder block and components, testing oil pressure; compression; valve adjustment; and checking for leaks and knocks. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AUV 1613 - Advanced Crankshaft Balance and Grinding

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: AUV 1315 ) This course includes the study of dynamic and couple unbalance, external and internal balancing, static balancing, crankshaft indexing, straightening, and stroking. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AUV 1713 - Brake Rotor and Drum Machining

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: AUV 1116 ) This course includes machining of the brake drum and rotor. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • AUV 1913 - Special Problem in Automotive Machinist

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: First semester Automotive Machinist courses) This course is to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Automotive Machinist courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. (6 hr lab)
  • AUV 1923 - Supervised Work Experience

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: Consent of instructor and the completion of at least one semester of coursework in the Automotive Machinist program) This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student‘s technical studies with industrial experience. (9 hr internship)

Automotive Technology

  • ATT 1114 - Electrical Systems

    4 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to all components of the vehicle electrical system including lights, instruments, and charging components. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1213 - Brakes

    3 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the repair and maintenance of brake systems on automobiles. It includes instruction and practice in diagnosis of braking systems problems and the repair of brake systems. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • ATT 1315 - Manual Drive Trains/Transaxles

    5 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the maintenance and repair of manual transmissions, transaxles, and drive train components. It includes instruction in the diagnosis of drive train problems, and the repair and maintenance of transmissions, transaxles, clutches, CV joints, differentials, and other components. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • ATT 1414 - Basic Engine Performance

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: ATT 1114 ) A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the maintenance and adjustment of gasoline engines for optimum performance. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and correction of problems associated with poor performance. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 1513 - Basic Fuel Systems

    3 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the repair, maintenance, and adjustment of conventional carburetion systems and emission control. It includes instruction in the diagnosis and repair/adjustment of carburetors and conventional emission control systems. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • ATT 1715 - Engine Repair

    5 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the repair and rebuilding of automotive-type engines. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and repair of engine components including valve trains, blocks, pistons and connecting rods, crankshafts, and oil pumps. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • ATT 2325 - Automatic Transmissions/Transaxles

    5 SH
    A course to provide technical skills and knowledge related to the diagnosis and repair of automotive-type automatic transmissions and transaxles. It includes instruction and practice in testing and inspecting these devices and in disassembly, repair, and reassembly. (3 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2334 - Steering and Suspension Systems

    4 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge related to the inspection and repair of steering and suspension systems on automobiles. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis of steering system problems and the repair/replacement of steering systems components. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2343 - Wheel Alignment

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: ATT 2334 ) A course to provide technical skills and knowledge related to the alignment of both front and rear wheel on automobiles. It includes instruction and practice in the inspection, detection, and correction of wheel alignment problems. (1 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2524 - Computer Controlled Carburetion and Emission System

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: ATT 1114 , ATT 1513 ) A course to provide technical skills and knowledge related to the inspection and repair/adjustment of the newer types of automobile carburetors and emission systems. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and correction of problems associated with computerized carburetion systems, emission control systems, and other features found on newer model fuel systems. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • ATT 2535 - Computerized Engine Controls

    5 SH
    (Prerequisites: ATT 2524 ) A course to provide technical skills and knowledge associated with computer controls found in newer cars. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and correction of problems associated with computer controls of the ignition and fuel injection system. (2 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • ATT 2614 - Heating and Air Conditioning

    4 SH
    A course to provide advanced skills and knowledge associated with the maintenance and repair of automotive heating and air conditioning systems. It includes instruction and practice in the diagnosis and repair of heating and air conditioning system components, and control systems. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)

Automotive Vehicles and Accessories Marketing

  • AAV 1112 - Orientation and Safety Procedures

    2 SH
    This course is an orientation to the history of accessories marketing, job opportunities, and the physical structure of the industry. Safety procedures include OSHA and EPA regulations, proper use of hand and power tools, shop hazards, and legal responsibilities are discussed and implemented throughout this course. (2 hr lecture)
  • AAV 1126 - Operational Procedures

    6 SH
    This course is a study of everyday operations in the auto parts business, including proper business procedures, customer service, and sales procedures. (3 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1214 - Power Train

    4 SH
    This course is a study of the function and identification of the power train, including engine, transmission, drive line, and axles. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1224 - Automotive Systems

    4 SH
    This course is a study of the function and identification of automotive systems, including brake systems, cooling systems, electrical systems, heating and air conditioning systems, and suspension systems. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1316 - Catalog Information Systems

    6 SH
    This course is a study of hardcopy, microfiche, and computerized catalogs. Also included are the writing of invoices, interpreting price sheets and calculating discounts. (3 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1322 - Merchandising

    2 SH
    This course is the study of a general parts store layout to include merchandise displays and parts bins layouts. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • AAV 1414 - Internal Operations

    4 SH
    This course is the study of the daily operations of a parts store, including shipping and receiving, stocking and storing merchandise, counter operations, and physical inventory. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1424 - Internal Sales

    4 SH
    This course is a study of sales skills using hardcopy and computerized cataloging and pricing. (1 hr lecture, 6 hr lab)
  • AAV 1926 - Supervised Sales Experience

    6 SH
    This course is a cooperative program between the industry and education. It is designed to integrate the student‘s technical studies with technical experience. (18 hr externship)

Aviation Maintenance Technology

  • APT 1113 - Aviation Applied Science

    3 SH
    A study of general aviation maintenance practices, including orientation to aviation, aircraft maintenance safety procedures, aviation mathematics, aviation physics, and aircraft drawings. (42 hr lecture, 57 hr lab)
  • APT 1123 - Aviation Electricity I

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: APT 1113 ) A study of the theory and application of direct and alternating current distribution and utilization of voltage. Practical application of Ohm’s Law. (33 hr lecture, 40 hr lab)
  • APT 1134 - Aviation Materials and Processes

    4 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: APT 1123 ) A study of materials and processes used in the construction and repair of aircraft and components, fluid lines, fittings, and corrosion protection. (45 hr lecture, 65 hr lab)
  • APT 1143 - Aircraft Servicing and Weight-and-Balance

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: APT 1134 ) A study of aircraft ground operation and servicing, weight-and-balance check, and records. (30 hr lecture, 50 hr lab)
  • APT 1153 - Maintenance Forms and Records

    3 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: APT 1143 ) A study of maintenance publications, maintenance forms, and records, and mechanic privileges and limitations. (30 hr lecture, 45 hr lab)
  • APT 1162 - Reciprocating Engine Theory

    2 SH
    A study of theory and principles of operation of reciprocating engines. (37 hr lecture)

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