Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Medical Laboratory Technology

  • MLT 1413 - Immunology/Serology

    3 SH
    This course covers the science of immunology and serology through the study of theories and processes related to natural body defenses. Included are basic antigen-antibody reactions, complement action, cellular response, humoral immune response, and the basic serological procedures used to aid in the detection of certain diseases. Throughout this course, special emphasis is placed on correlating laboratory results with the patient‘s probable condition. (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MLT 1515 - Clinical Chemistry

    5 SH
    (Prerequisites: CHE 1211 , CHE 1213  or CHE 1311 , CHE 1313 ) This course is the study of human biochemistry as an aid in the diagnosis of disease processes. It includes chemistry procedures performed on body fluids for aiding in diagnosis of disease processes. (3 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MLT 2424 - Immunohematology

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: MLT 1413 ) This course includes collection, processing, storage, and utilization of blood components. It also includes the study of immunological principles and procedures for blood typing, crossmatching, antibody detection, identification, and investigation of hemolytic disease of the newborn. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MLT 2512 - Parasitology

    2 SH
    This course covers the morphology, physiology, life cycles, and epidemiology of parasites with emphasis on human pathogenic parasites. Identification of the parasites from human material is also included. (1 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
  • MLT 2614 - Pathogenic Microbiology

    4 SH
    (Prerequisites: BIO 2921 , BIO 2923 ) Basic skills, principles, and techniques for the staining, culturing, isolation, and identification of microorganisms of medical importance are emphasized in this course. Included are techniques used in determining the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to different antibiotic and other drugs. (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
  • MLT 2711 - MLT Seminar

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MLT 1111 , MLT 1212 , MLT 1324 , MLT 1515 , MLT 2424 , MLT 2512 , and MLT 2614 ) This course represents a synthesis of previous didactic, laboratory, and clinical experiences. It is designed to facilitate activities incorporated in student and professional organizations and to allow students to select and present a case study. (2 hr lab)
  • MLT 2723 - Certification Fundamentals for MLT

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MLT 1111 , MLT 1212 , MLT 1324 , MLT 1515 , MLT 2424 , MLT 2512 , MLT 2614 ) This course is an in-depth study and review of material covered in the MLT curriculum. It is designed to prepare students for the national registry/certifying exams. (3 hr lecture)
  • MLT 2916 - Clinical Practice I

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: MLT core courses) This course includes clinical practice and didactic instruction in a clinical affiliate. Areas covered are hematology, clinical chemistry, immunohematology, urinalysis, microbiology, coagulation, and serology. (18 hr clinical)
  • MLT 2926 - Clinical Practice II

    6 SH
    (Prerequisites: MLT 2916 ) A continuation of Clinical Practice I. (18 hr clinical)
  • MLT 2936 - Clinical Practice III

    6 SH
    (Pre/Corequisites: MLT 2926 ) A continuation of Clinical Practice II. (18 hr clinical)

Military Science and Aerospace Studies

  • AFR 1111 - In Defense of our Nation I

    1 SH
    A survey course designed to be an introduction to the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps. and the Air Force. (1 hr lecture)
  • AFR 1121 - In Defense of our Nation I Lab

    1 SH
    Leadership Lab (LLAB) is an integral part of the program that provides the opportunity for cadets to practice officership skills and develop leadership and management techniques. This class centers on the organized cadet wing where activities are planned and conducted by cadets and supervised by detachment officers. This course also builds esprit de corps within the cadet organization and allows cadets to make errors and be given feedback on how they can correct them without serious consequences. (2 hr lab)
  • AFR 1211 - In Defense of our Nation II

    1 SH
    A survey course designed to be an introduction to the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps. and the Air Force. (1 hr lecture)
  • AFR 1221 - In Defense of our Nation II Lab

    1 SH
    Leadership Lab (LLAB) is an integral part of the program that provides the opportunity for cadets to practice officership skills and develop leadership and management techniques. This class centers on the organized cadet wing where activities are planned and conducted by cadets and supervised by detachment officers. This course also builds esprit de corps within the cadet organization and allows cadets to make errors and be given feedback on how they can correct them without serious consequences. (2 hr lab)
  • AFR 2111 - Development of Air Power I

    1 SH
    This course is designed to examine general aspects of air and space power through a historical perspective. (1 hr lecture)
  • AFR 2121 - Development of Air Power I Lab

    1 SH
    Leadership Lab (LLAB) is an integral part of the program that provides the opportunity for cadets to practice officership skills and develop leadership and management techniques. This class centers on the organized cadet wing where activities are planned and conducted by cadets and supervised by detachment officers. This course also builds esprit de corps within the cadet organization and allows cadets to make errors and be given feedback on how they can correct them without serious consequences. (2 hr lab)
  • AFR 2211 - Development of Air Power II

    1 SH
    This course is designed to examine general aspects of air and space power through a historical perspective. (1 hr lecture)
  • AFR 2221 - Development of Air Power II Lab

    1 SH
    Leadership Lab (LLAB) is an integral part of the program that provides the opportunity for cadets to practice officership skills and develop leadership and management techniques. This class centers on the organized cadet wing where activities are planned and conducted by cadets and supervised by detachment officers. This course also builds esprit de corps within the cadet organization and allows cadets to make errors and be given feedback on how they can correct them without serious consequences. (2 hr lab)
  • AMR 1111 - Foundations of Officership Lecture

    1 SH
    Introduction to leadership and the Armed Forces. Course topics include small group leadership, decision making, problem solving, and adventure training such as rappelling and paintball. Includes a leadership lab and physical training
  • AMR 1121 - Basic Leadership LAB

    1 SH
    Fundamental leadership and training techniques. Exposure to military skills and traditions and practical application of leadership and problem solving. Study areas include adventure training, map reading, military customs, and leadership concepts. Includes a leadership lab and physical training.
  • AMR 1121 - Basic Leadership Lecture

    1 SH
    Fundamental leadership and training techniques. Exposure to military skills and traditions and practical application of leadership and problem solving. Study areas include adventure training, map reading, military customs, and leadership concepts. Includes a leadership lab and physical training.
  • AMR 2111 - Individual Leadership Studies LAB

    1 SH
    Develop individual leadership skills. Apply problem solving, communication and conflict resolution skills. Teach basic leadership skills and squad tactics.
  • AMR 2112 - Individual Leadership Studies

    2 SH
    Develop individual leadership skills. Apply problem solving, communication and conflict resolution skills. Teach basic leadership skills and squad tactics.
  • AMR 2121 - Leadership and Teamwork LAB

    1 SH
    An application of leadership action skills with emphasis on beliefs, values, ethics, counseling techniques and group interaction skills. Includes a leadership lab and physical training.
  • AMR 2122 - Leadership and Teamwork

    2 SH
    An application of leadership action skills with emphasis on beliefs, values, ethics, counseling techniques and group interaction skills. Includes a leadership lab and physical training.

Modern Foreign Languages

  • MFL 1113 - Elementary French I

    3 SH
    For beginning students and those with not more than one year of high school French. Pronunciation, grammar, conversation, reading, and composition. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 1123 - Elementary French II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 1113  or equivalent) Continuation of MFL 1113  with emphasis on the development of oral skills. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 1213 - Elementary Spanish I

    3 SH
    For beginning students and those with not more than one year of high school Spanish. Basic Spanish grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, conversation, reading and composition. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 1223 - Elementary Spanish II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 1213  or equivalent) Continuation of MFL 1213  with emphasis on reading, writing, and oral activities. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2113 - Intermediate French I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 1123  or two units of high school French) Review of French grammar with readings and exercises designed to increase the student’s vocabulary, contribute to mastery of idiomatic construction, and introduce French literature. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2123 - Intermediate French II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 2113  or equivalent) Continuation of MFL 2113  with advanced activities in reading, writing, and speaking the language. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2213 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 1223  or two units of high school Spanish) Review of Spanish grammar, followed by the reading of suitable modern Spanish literature. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2223 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MFL 2213  or equivalent) Continuation of MFL 2213 . (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2243 - Spanish Conversation I

    3 SH
    Special emphasis is placed upon pronunciation and conversation. Some grammar is reviewed. (3 hr lecture)
  • MFL 2613 - Foreign Language Study Abroad

    3 SH
    This course is for French and Spanish students to travel to another country to attend a language school in which instruction will given in the target language. Instruction will address pronunciation, grammar, conversation, reading, and culture. In addition, students typically live with host families using the target language. Students will participate in excursions which will expand their knowledge of the history, culture, and geography of the country. Students will be applying the target language to events in daily life.

Music Foundations

  • MUS 1113 - Music Appreciation

    3 SH
    (Non Majors) Listening course designed to give the student, through aural perception, understanding and appreciation of music as a moving force in Western Culture. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1123 - Music Survey (Majors)

    3 SH
    A listening course designed to acquaint the music major with a broad overview of musical style and repertoire from antiquity to the present. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1132 - Fundamentals of Music

    2 SH
    This course is designed to instruct students in treble and bass clef note reading, major scales, major key signatures, and fundamental rhythm. This includes an introduction to music software. Students planning to continue as music majors at a senior college should follow this course with Music Theory I-IV. This course is offered Spring Semester only. (2 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1133 - Fundamentals of Music

    3 SH
    Provides the student with basic knowledge of notation, scales, keys, rhythm, intervals, triads, and their inversion. MUS 1133 is not the standard freshman theory course required for graduation from senior colleges and universities and is not offered to meet these requirements. Students taking MUS 1133 and planning to continue as music majors in a senior college should follow this course with Music Theory I - IV. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1211 - Music Theory Laboratory I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Same as Music Theory I) Laboratory activities will center on developing listening, playing, and singing skills with major scales and cords, intervals up to a perfect fifth and primary chords. Sight-singing and playing while singing will also be emphasized. Other activities will include taking stepwise melodic dictation and rhythmic dictation in simple time. (2 hr lab)
  • MUS 1213 - Music Theory I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 1133  or a grade of “Pass” in part 1 of the Comprehensive Music Fundamentals Exam or consent of instructor) (Corequisites: MUS 1133 ) A study of elementary harmony requiring a thorough background in Music Fundamentals, including all scales and keys. Emphasis is placed largely on writing and analysis of diatonic triads. Four-voice partwriting is introduced. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1221 - Music Theory Laboratory II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 1211 ) Laboratory activities will center on developing listening, playing, and singing skills using all melodic intervals within the octave and all diatonic chords in a harmonic setting. Other activities will include taking melodic dictation with chordal skips and rhythmic dictation including compound time. Sight-singing and playing while singing will be emphasized. (2 hr lab)
  • MUS 1223 - Music Theory II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 1213 ) (Corequisites: MUS 1221 ) A further study of elementary harmony, including diatonic harmonic progression, root movement, chord connection and part-writing principles. Diatonic seventh chords and modulation are introduced. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 1911 - Recital Class I

    0 SH
    A performance class required of all music majors and minors. (1 hr lab)
  • MUS 1921 - Recital Class II

    0 SH
    A performance class required of all music majors and minors. (1 hr lab)
  • MUS 2211 - Music Theory Laboratory III

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum Grade of C in MUS 1221 ) Laboratory activities will center on developing listening, playing, and singing skills utilizing major, minor, chromatic pentatonic and whole-tone scales as well as all modes. Also included will be practice with harmonic intervals and seventh chord. Sightsinging and playing while singing will be emphasized, as will harmonic dictation using all chord positions. (2 hr lab)
  • MUS 2213 - Music Theory III

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 1223  and a grade of “Pass” on both parts of the Comprehensive Music Fundamentals Exam) (Corequisites: MUS 2211 ) A brief review of diatonic harmony followed by a study of chromatic harmony with emphasis on secondary function chords and bimodal technique. Advanced modulation is introduced. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 2221 - Music Theory Laboratory IV

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 2211 ) Laboratory activities will center on developing singing, playing, and listening skills which include harmonic and melodic modulations as well as secondary dominants. Emphasis will be placed on melodic and rhythmic sight-reading and playing from a “lead sheet”. (2 hr lab)
  • MUS 2223 - Music Theory IV

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUS 2313 ) (Corequisites: MUS 2221 ) A further study of chromatic harmony, including augmented sixth chords, the Neapolitan sixth chord, augmented dominants and other altered chords. Basic principles of musical analysis and composition are introduced. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 2313 - Music History I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUS 1123 , MUS 1221 , MUS 1223  and consent of department chairman) Music of primitive nations; rise and developments of liturgy; the Polyphonic Age; the rise of opera and oratorio; the periods of Bach and Handel, Haydn and Mozart; advent of Beethoven; American musical development. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 2323 - Music History II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUS 1123 , MUS 1221 , MUS 1223  and consent of department chairman) Music of the Romantic Period. Lecture-listening and score-reading course designed for study of music, musicians, and musical development from 1825-1900, including the works of Debussy, Ravel, and Richard Strauss. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 2513 - Music for Elementary Teachers

    3 SH
    A study of the fundamentals of music, sight-reading and terminology. (3 hr lecture)
  • MUS 2911 - Recital Class III

    0 SH
    A performance class required of all music majors and minors. (1 hr lab)
  • MUS 2921 - Recital Class IV

    0 SH
    A performance class required of all music majors and minors. (1 hr lab)

Music Organizatons

  • MUO 1111 - Band I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition or consent of instructor) Organized to serve the college at games, concerts, and other public and special functions. (5 hr lab)
  • MUO 1121 - Band II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 1111  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 1111 . (5 hr lab)
  • MUO 1131 - Small Instrumental Ensemble I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor‘s permission) Coached small ensemble which provides the student with exposure to the ensemble repertoire and performance experience with other musicians. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 1141 - Small Instrumental Ensemble II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor‘s permission) Coached small ensemble which provides the student with exposure to the ensemble repertoire and performance experience with other musicians. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 1171 - Stage Band I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) Organized to serve the college at concerts and other public and special functions. (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 1181 - Stage Band II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) Continuation of MUO 1171 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 1211 - Choir I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition or consent of instructor) Performing group of the vocal department. Numerous appearances during the year, both on campus and throughout the state. (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 1221 - Choir II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 1211  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 1211 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 1311 - String Orchestra I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Consent of instructor) Ensemble participation for string students. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 1321 - String Orchestra II

    1 SH
    Continuation of String Orchestra I (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 1341 - Jazz Improvisation Lab I

    1 SH
    This course will introduce and reinforce concepts of Jazz improvisation to those studying Jazz with either career or non-career purposes. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 1351 - Jazz Improvisation Lab II

    1 SH
    Continuation of MUO 1341 . (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2111 - Band III

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 1121  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 1121 . (5 hr lab)
  • MUO 2121 - Band IV

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 2111  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 2111 . (5 hr lab)
  • MUO 2131 - Small Instrumental Ensemble III

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor’s permission) Coached small ensemble which provides the student with exposure to the ensemble repertoire and performance experience with other musicians. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2141 - Small Instrumental Ensemble IV

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Instructor’s permission) Coached small ensemble which provides the student with exposure to the ensemble repertoire and performance experience with other musicians. (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2171 - Stage Band III

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) Continuation of MUO 1181 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 2181 - Stage Band IV

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) Continuation of MUO 2171 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 2211 - Choir III

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 1221  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 1221 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 2221 - Choir IV

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUO 2211  or audition or consent of instructor) Continuation of MUO 2211 . (3 hr lab)
  • MUO 2311 - String Orchestra III

    1 SH
    Continuation of String Orchestra II (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2321 - String Orchestra IV

    1 SH
    Continuation of String Orchestra III (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2341 - Jazz Improvisation Lab III

    1 SH
    Continuation of MUO 1351 . (2 hr lab)
  • MUO 2351 - Jazz Improvisation Lab IIII

    1 SH
    Continuation of MUO 2341 . (2 hr lab)


  • MUA 1111 - Class Brass I

    1 SH
    Lessons in rudiment of Brass instruments. (2 hr lab)
  • MUA 1121 - Class Brass II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1111  or audition) Continuation of MUA 1111 . (2 hr lab)
  • MUA 1141 - Elective Brass I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1151 - Elective Brass II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1141  or audition) Continuation of MUA 1141 . Second semester instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1172 - Music Education Brass I

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction for Music Education majors and non-majors who meet instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1173 - Brass Major I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction for Music majors. (2 -1/2 hr lessons per week, 3 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1182 - Music Education Brass II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1172  or audition) Second semester private instruction for Music Education majors and nonmajors who meet instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1183 - Brass Major II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1173 , or audition) Second semester private instruction for Music majors. (2 - 1/2 hr lessons per week, 3 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1211 - Class Guitar I

    1 SH
    Lessons in rudiments of guitar. (2 hr lab)
  • MUA 1221 - Class Guitar II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1211  or audition) Continuation of MUA 1211 . (2 hr lab)
  • MUA 1241 - Elective Guitar I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1251 - Elective Guitar II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1241  or audition) Second semester private instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1272 - Music Education Guitar I

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1221  or audition) First semester private instruction for Music Education majors and nonmajors who meet the instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1282 - Music Education Guitar II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1272  or audition) Second semester private instruction for Music Education majors and non-majors who meet the instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1331 - Elective Organ I

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: Piano audition) First semester private instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1341 - Elective Organ II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1331  or audition) Continuation of MUA 1331 . Second semester private instruction. (Maximum 1 hr lesson per week, 1 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1362 - Music Education Organ I

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction for Music Education majors and non-majors who meet instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1363 - Organ Major I

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites: Audition) First semester private instruction for Music majors. (2 -1/2 hr lessons per week, 3 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1372 - Music Education Organ II

    2 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1362  or audition) Second semester private instruction for Music Education majors and non-majors who meet instructor’s requirements. (Total 1 hr lesson per week, 2 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1373 - Organ Major II

    3 SH
    (Prerequisites:   or audition) Second semester private instruction for Music majors. (2 -1/2 hr lessons per week, 3 hr practice daily)
  • MUA 1411 - Class Percussion I

    1 SH
    Lessons in rudiment of percussion instrument. (2 hr lab)
  • MUA 1421 - Class Percussion II

    1 SH
    (Prerequisites: MUA 1411  or audition) Continuation of MUA 1411 . (2 hr lab)

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